From: Countercurrents <>
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April, 2009 23:05:07
Subject: [issuesonline_worldwide] CC News Letter 29/04- Sane Environmentalism To Save Earth
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In Solidarity
Sri Lanka: Media Kept On Tight Leash
By IPS Correspondents
http://www.counterc ips290409. htm
As the latest round of Asia's longest-running guerrilla war winds down, scores of journalists here are experiencing intimidation and harassment for being critical of the military campaign against the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
And So It Goes
By Dahr Jamail
http://www.counterc jamail290409. htm
Last week found Iraq swimming in blood once again. Attacks last Thursday brought the worst violence Iraq has seen in over a year, with at least 96 Iraqis killed and 157 wounded in two massive suicide bombings. Over 35 bombings have rocked Baghdad this month alone. There appears to be no end in sight for the escalating violence. For an Obama administration that plans to keep at least 50,000 US troops in Iraq indefinitely, look no further for a justification in doing so
Sane Environmentalism To Save Earth
By Aaron Wissner
http://www.counterc wissner290409. htm
Sane environmentalists recognize that money system of our global culture inherently encourages damage to Earth; and that a new money system which does just the opposite needs to be devised and adopted. Until this new system is in place, they seek to minimize their use of money; work to renew and restore Earth; and gently invite, encourage, and support others to join in this mission to save Earth
The Myth of Sectarianism in
The "New Middle East"
By Ali Jawad
http://www.counterc jawad290409. htm
In the Middle East, we are now witness to a post-sectarian phase; the unity and solidarity that exists between its' peoples - in identifying the key challenges that face this region - is palpable in whichever direction you turn. Western discourse on the Middle East however, remains fixated on talk of civil wars, sectarian strife and religious tension
What Happened In The Skies Over New York City?
By Alex Lantier
http://www.counterc lantier290409. htm
How could one of two specially-designed presidential jets be requisitioned for a flight over New York City, where nearly 3,000 were killed in the 9/11 attacks, without the knowledge of the president, the mayor or high-ranking US military officials such as the defense secretary and the joint chiefs of staff? If the official story is indeed true, it raises the question of who is in control of the US military
Stop South Asia's Talibanisation, Protect Women
By Amrita Nandy-Joshi
http://www.counterc joshi290409. htm
South Asia is fast emerging as the global epicentre of a backlash against women's rights and liberties. It will be a real tragedy if millions of women across South Asia continue to lose their identities because of creeping fundamentalism. We need to check the tide before it causes havoc
Binayak Sen: Prisoner of Conscience
By Anand Patwardhan
http://www.counterc patwardhan290409 .htm
May 14 this year will mark an ignominious date for Indian democracy the start of the third straight year of Binayak Sen's incarceration in a Chhattisgarh jail. I wonder if there are words left to describe this travesty. What is left to say that has not been said?
Terror and Torture
By Jim Miles
http://www.counterc miles290409. htm
The current media frenzy concerning Obama's coming release of more information on U.S. torture between 2000 and 2005 is a political storm conveniently kept out of context
The Global Research News Hour (GRNH):
Media As It Should Be
By Stephen Lendman
http://www.counterc lendman290409. htm
Stephen Lendman introduces Global Research News Hour
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