From: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April, 2009 20:03:05
Subject: [issuesonline_worldwide] zioNAZI Kissinger Plans on TAKING OUR GUNS BY SEPTEMBER!!
Again, LOOK who is planning on DISARMING U.S. and then KILLING U.S. Chucky Schumer, Diane DYKE Feinstein, Obongo\'s hoards of zioNAZIs! I hope most Americans plan on USING all the guns and ammo they just bought instead of meakly turning them in. I hope they are stocking up on water, food and supplies so they wont HAVE to. I hope they are training their children to NOT go along on a bus during a phony emergency to never be seen again as a bargaining chip to get GUNS from parents. THESE THINGS ARE IN OUR FUTURE AND SOON!!!
Army Orders Soldiers To Register Their Private Guns
http://fourwinds10. com/siterun_ data/government/ us_constitution/ gun_control/ news.php? q=1237833478
Obama Pushing Treaty To Ban Reloading
http://www.infowars .com/obama- pushing-treaty- to-ban-reloading /
Kissinger Tells President Medvedev... "By September We'll Have CONFISCATED ALL PRIVATELY OWNED GUNS...\"
http://fourwinds10. com/siterun_ data/government/ us_constitution/ gun_control/ news.php? q=1237833478
...To such machinations being utilized by their supposed 'leaders' against them in order to pave the road from a once sovereign United States to this New World Order these Americans remain nearly clueless, but when pressed by President Medvedev on the plans to ensure that civil society on the North American continent doesn't break down Kissinger reportedly replied, "By September we'll have confiscated all privately owned guns so it really doesn't matter what we do, we'll still be in charge".
Russian Intelligence reports state that gun ownership statistics in the United States vary widely, but is estimated to be that nearly 50 percent of US households have nearly 270 million guns, none of which these Americans seem now ready to part with without a fight.
But, new reports coming from the United States show that they are fast adopting the tactics used by the German Nazis to disarm their society prior to the installation of fascist rule and martial law by first rendering all private guns useless by eliminating and restricting the ammunition they use. And from new reports coming from the United States we can see that this 'plan' is already being instituted with ammunition shortages being reported in Idaho, Georgia, and Louisiana, and a new law just introduced in California which would:
1. Stop the private transfer between individuals of more than 50 rounds of ammunition.2. License and tax anyone selling handgun ammunition commercially and force these stores to get background checks on anyone selling ammunition. 3. Get a thumbprint from anyone buying handgun ammunition. 4. Ban all ammunition sales that don\'t take place face-to- face, in other words, ban mail-order sales.
Even more chilling for American gun owners was the Obama administrations order to the US Military on March 12 which stated: "Effective immediately DOD Surplus, LLC, will be implementing new requirements for mutilation of fired shell casings. The new DRMS requirement calls for DOD Surplus personnel to witness the mutilation of the property and sign the Certificate of Destruction." which would have crippled the US ammunition industry, who are the largest purchasers of used military ammunition brass, but after found out about by US Senators was quickly withdrawn.
To the reasons feared by the leadership class in the United States of their citizens retaining the right to firearms we can read:
"As the growing world-wide economic crisis deepens, military forces from Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom are preparing to meet angry citizens on the street. The economic crisis - and the public outrage it is causing - is at the forefront of intelligence agencies and military forces in the western world. Prominent trends forecaster Gerald Celente has been sounding the alarm for years, warning that riots and tax revolts are coming to America. The Pentagon, U. K. Ministry of Defense, and Canadian military apparently agree. In November of 2008 the United States Army War College released the report Known Unknowns: Unconventional \"Strategic Shocks\" in Defense Strategy Development. The report identifies economic collapse as a reason for the defense establishment to conduct domestic operations. The report states,\"Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to
defend basic domestic order and human security. Deliberate employment of weapons of mass destruction or other catastrophic capabilities, unforeseen economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency.. .\"The CIA and MI5 are both watching the economic situation for signs of unrest and political instability. As the Washington Post reports, the CIA has added an economic situation report to its threat assessment for the White House. A further sign that the United States government is anticipating widespread unrest comes with the domestic stationing of the 1st Brigade Combat Team of the 3rd Infantry Division. The Army Times reports,\"They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive, or CBRNE, attack.\"Canadian
military forces have been given a nearly identical domestic mission in a synchronized move with the United States. Canada\'s National Post reports that,\"The Canadian military has embarked on a wide-ranging plan to turn its reserve soldiers into focused units trained and equipped to respond to a nightmarish array of domestic threats, including terrorist \"dirty bomb\" attacks, biological agent containment, Arctic catastrophes and natural disasters."
Reports from the United States are also revealing that for the first time since their Civil War, active duty US Army Troops were put into the streets of Alabama after the killing spree of a crazed gunman, but which the US Army is now reporting it is 'investigating' because it doesn't know who deployed them.
To whom the leadership elite in America are actually planning on protecting themselves from we can further read: "A new document meant to help Missouri law enforcement agencies identify militia members or domestic terrorists has drawn criticism for some of the warning signs mentioned.The Feb. 20 report called \"The Modern Militia Movement\" mentions such red flags as political bumper stickers for third-party candidates, such as U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, who ran for president last year; talk of conspiracy theories, such as the plan for a superhighway linking Canada to Mexico; and possession of subversive literature."
As to what these dangerous American terrorists can expect once they are in the custody of their US intelligence services?
"The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) concluded in 2007 that US methods to extract information from prisoners at secret CIA jails as part of the \"war on terror\" amounted to torture."
Even worse for these dissident Americans are the chilling revelations from top investigative news journalist Seymour Hersh: "After 9/11, I haven't written about this yet, but the Central Intelligence Agency was very deeply involved in domestic activities against people they thought to be enemies of the state. Without any legal authority for it. They haven't been called on it yet. That does happen."
So today, as the United States 'watch list' for domestic and International terrorists has hit 1 million names, in a country that already has more prisoners than any other Nation in the World, or our entire Earths' history for that matter, and as sales of weapons and ammunition are still hitting record highs in America since President Obama's election, it would appear more than likely that the assertions of US officials to Russia that they remain in control of their country is highly doubtful…and needing just one single 'spark' to plunge it into full scale civil war.
And whose to say that hasn't been their 'plan' all along?
www.knowthelies. com/
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Israel-Firsters Are Greatest Danger To US PASS THIS ON FAR AND WIDE PEOPLE!! com/watch? v=47hvENEM8yo
Meet the new \'boss\' same as the old boss. Those with functioning neurons KNEW it really didn\'t matter if McLame got in or Commie Obamie. And this marxist piece of globalist TRASH wasted no time in kneeling before the REAL enemies of this nation (IsraHELL) by putting yet another Zionist NAZI in as chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel. A MOSSAD AGENT no less! We now have ZIONISTS in as the head of the Homeland Gestapo, Air Force and more. Oh yeah, and yap about putting Hitlary in as Sec. of State???? What was that about CHANGE? Change for the WORSE to be sure! EVERY single thing I and others have WARNED you about is now about to happen. Total economic COLLAPSE, NUKEs going off here in the U.S., MARTIAL LAW, Food shortages, PLAGUES (Birdie Flu), CONCENTRATION CAMPS, and NUCLEAR WAR with Russia! (And her plagues came in one day.... etc.) Hope you all PREPARED for this like I and others WARNED you to! NOTE also that there is talk about passing the
slimy ADL \'hate\' laws to prevent folks from talking about the REAL 911 perpeTRAITORS and QUEERS like Bush, Obama and MANY ZIONISTS etc. The very criminal psychopaths that have taken over, don\'t want you pointing fingers at THEM or making them feel guilty now do they?
And finally, an excerpt from \"The Gulag Archipelago\ "... on how to resist fascism & tyranny. The lesson that\'s just as important today as it was half a century ago.
\"During an arrest, you think since you aren't guilty, how can they arrest you? Why should you run away? And how can you resist right then? After all, you'll only make your situation worse; you'll make it more difficult for them to sort out the mistake. And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say goodbye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? The Organs would very
quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! We didn't love freedom enough. Every man always has handy a dozen glib little reasons why he is right not to sacrifice himself.\"
The very SAME slimy mentalities that MURDERED 66 MILLION Christians in Russia, want to do the SAME here in the U.S.! Alexander is another who knew the difference between REAL Jews and the FAKE abominable ANTI-SEMETIC ZIONISTS! And he wrote extensively on them. RESEARCH IT YOURSELVES!
For those interested, I still do radio shows occasionally on Tuesdays and more with Mark Koernke at: www.libertytreeradi Mark is not afraid to talk about the KOSHER MAFIA like Alex Jewns is.
If you want to contact me DIRECTLY for more information, feel free to phone me at: 812-879-4985 and I can call you back on \'my dime\' if needed.
GOOD LUCK PEOPLE! HERE IT COMES!! Sincerely, Larry Lawson
For more on FALSE jews and their involvement in 911 and state sponsored terror to be BLAMED on their enemies see: http://www.realnews http://nogw. com/ilrunshow. html http://www.realjewn http://www.whatreal lyhappened. com http://www.rense. com
Zionist TRAITORS in Yahoo groups like John F Perna aka: http://profiles. shalom_29212
http://www.endgamep 03/written- on-ma-1.html (See photos of this bloated PARASITE and other info here)
http://groups. group/end- time-prophecies/ message/23226
http://groups. group/end- time-prophecies/ message/26575
http://groups. group/Jews- On-The-Internet/ message/965
http://groups. group/SupportIsr ael/message/ 9488
http://groups. group/Jews- On-The-Internet/ message/965
Israelis Signaling US Attack \'Far Bigger Than 911\'
http://www.rense. com/general84/ isrr.htm
(Editor\'s note - DEBKA is a well-known Mossad information/ disinformation outlet. To the best of our knowledge and according to the experts we trust and respect, there is no such thing as \'al Qaeda\' any more than it existed in its original form as a CIA construct. Further, Osama bin Laden is, in all likelihood, no longer above room temperature. The \'warning\' below is another indication of a major false flag 9-11, the 7-7 London bombings, the Spain train massacre, the Bali slaughter, etc. The Israelis often seem to warn about such attacks...and years later wind up being prime suspects or are somehow alleged to be involved in them. In this case, a nice clear warning would give them a post-attack blanket of insulation and plausible deniability. Always use critical thinking when reading these sorts of things. See earlier examples of Mossad \'warnings,\ ' etc, below.)
Brettonwood II This November 15th.
http://www.american freepress. net/html/ bretton_woods_ ii_155.html
http://www.inteldai 140&a=8590
http://www.breakthe BreakTheMatrix/ Internationalist s-Calling- for-Bretton- Woods-II
To his credit, President Bush was at first reluctant to toss aside the Constitution and hand over American sovereignty to the world's leading moneymen. However, in late October, Bush recanted and announced his support for the meeting of global banking authorities that is scheduled to take place in Washington on Nov. 15.
Internationalists Calling for 'Bretton Woods II' | BREAK THE MATRIX
http://www.breakthe BreakTheMatrix/ Internationalist s-Calling- for-Bretton- Woods-II
Listen to Ron Paul telling you what is coming on November15th
Get ready to lose your dollars. The meetings for a new monetary system
start Nov. 15th.
This is a done deal.
part 1/2 com/watch? v=uqN2EKuXX2g
part 2/2: com/watch? v=uo29Oa- e61I
Columnist Stu Bykofsky: We need another 9/11
http://www.globalre index.php? context=va& aid=10758 com/watch? v=DQlOpiw8tM4& eurl=http: //www.globalrese php?context= va&aid=10758
Broadcast on Fox News (August 2007), Columnist Stu Bykofsky claims that America needs a new 9/11 to unite the American people, because they have \"forgotten\ " who the enemy is.
He also claims that \"there will be another 9/11\", and Fox News Anchorman concurs:
\"Does this columnist have a valid point?\"
\"its going to take a lot of dead people to wake people up.\"
\"Another attack on America is inevitable\"
Believe or Dont Believe this video will make you think - million FEMA Coffins - Why? com/watch? v=epMeGr- wDc0
Real Footage of FEMA Coffins & all the Latest Information! com/watch? v=ORWHlLvMO8o& feature=related
This video encourages you to LEAVE Babylon.
Google To Track, Report Those Who Research Flu y/2008/nov/ 12/google- flu-usa
More Ominous NorthCom News
http://www.rense. com/general84/ moreom.htm
Have you heard of \"Vigilant Shield 08\"? It`s a five days exercice planned by the Northcom/Norad to simulate a state of Martial Law (!) due to a major catastrophe such as a \"terrorist attack\" in the USA: http://www.northcom .mil/News/ 2007/083007. html
The \"Vigilant Shield 08\" was scheduled for the period of October 15-20 2007 but was postponed and is going to start on November 12 2007. It will last until November 18 and its codename was switched to \"Vigilant Shield 09\": http://www.northcom .mil/News/ 2008/110508. html
It`s worth to remember that the 9/11 \"terrorist attack\" happened precisely the day an anti-terrorist exercice ivolved the US Air Force so that New York and Washington were practically deprived of their protecting combat jets... We also remember that the 7/7 \"terrorist attack\" in London happened precisely the day an anti-terrorist exercice was on in the area... What is going to happen now? All what is known from the Northcom is that the projected exercice beginning on November 12 will involve the simulation of three simultaneous nuclear explosions on the US territory... What is your opinion on that, Henry?
Several World Leaders Warn Of Nuke Hit On US
http://www.thejerus alemgiftshop. com/israelnews/ politics/ 80-political/ 335-warnings- from-world- leaders-all- within-72- hours-.html
Warnings from world leaders all within 72 hours
\"Australian PM Kevin Rudd - "Nuke strike would make 9/11 insignificant" and other weird warnings\"
\"Over the last 72 hours there has been a strange melange of cryptic messages leaked from world political leaders about what could be in store for America over the next few months.
These predictions of impending doom come from England, France, Australia and the United States.
Australian PM Kevin Rudd - "Nuke strike would make 9/11 insignificant" and other weird warnings\"
\"Over the last 72 hours there has been a strange melange of cryptic messages leaked from world political leaders about what could be in store for America over the next few months.
These predictions of impending doom come from England, France, Australia and the United States.
Biden told the top Democratic donors that a "generated crisis" will develop within six months and Barak Obama will need the help of community leaders to control the population as unpopular decisions are made and Americans resist.
Biden speaking at the fundraiser, "I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate, And he's gonna need help. And the kind of help he's gonna need is, he's gonna need you - not financially to help him - we're gonna need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him. Because it's not gonna be apparent initially, it's not gonna be apparent that we're right."
Biden's ominous language at the Seattle Sheraton are followed with statements by long time establishment insiders Colin Powell and Madeline Albright both say there is a massive crisis on the horizon and Biden was simply making a "statement in fact."
"The problems will always be there and there's going to be a crisis which will come along on the 21st, 22nd of January that we don't even know about right now." Powell told Meet the Press.
Lord West, adviser to Prime Minister Gordon Brown on national security says, "There is another great plot building up again and we are monitoring. It dipped slightly and is now rising again within the context of severe. The threat is huge. We have done all the things that we need to do, but the threat is building - the complex plots are building,"
Across the channel from England you have the French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner warning the press that he believes Israel will strike Iran before they can develope nuclear weapons completley ignoring the fact that the chief of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohammed ElBradei, said that Iran lacks the key components to produce an atomic weapon.
"The devastation that could be wreaked by one major nuclear weapons incident alone puts 9/11 and almost everything else [in] to the category of the insignificant," Rudd said.
Why are there so many high level politicians around the world in a seemingly coordinated effort warning of huge threats and developing crisis' that may include a nuclear device? Are they preparing the masses for an event or series of events that have been in the making for some time? Is the public being prepared for new and forming enemies with a potential to plunge the entire world into war?\"
----end quote---
A number of notable public figures, to be sure; Biden, Rudd, Colin Powell, Matelaine Albright, Lord West and French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner. Taken alone there are plenty of ready explanations, but within 72hrs.?
Are there any more recent examples out there?
Laying the ground works for the next False Flag Operation
http://worldpressne forum/viewtopic. php?f=2&t= 609&p=3820# p3820
A New 9-11 Is Essential Part Of US Planning
http://globalresear php?context= va&aid=10767
Harman-AIPAC Scandal - A Lot More To It

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