Fed Admits "Stress Tests" R a Sham,Every youngster 2carry out 50 hrs community service by age 19,Obama's leap 2socialism,911-Only in America can U..,Jack Bauer can't stop 'The Goldman Conspiracy',How The Banksters Got Away W/ It,P.Schiff:Barack Obama Is Saying 1Thing &Doing The Other!American Taxpayers Finance the Taliban
April 26, 2009
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
The Illuminati bankers have to finance both sides of every war, and Afghanistan is no exception. As they have pilfered the US government's credit card, this means the American tax payer is paying for the Taliban. And since Barack Obama is sending an additional 68,000 soldiers, "over the next several years", this won't be small Change.actually campaigning for $7.5 billion in "economic" aid and $3 billion in military assistance for Pakistan. She said the money is needed for more "government services." No doubt, this includes the Illuminati's payment for providing America with an enemy.
The role of America's Illuminati political "leadership" is to shepherd these funds through Congress (i.e. the credit card terminal.) Last week, Hillary Clinton sounded critical of Pakistan but she was
The Illuminati hide in plain sight. Just Google "Pakistan Aid to Taliban" and discover what US legislators and media should know. The Taliban is financed, trained and run by Pakistan's Interservices Intelligence Agency. The ISI is a branch of the CIA, which is run by the Illuminati bankers.identified the Taliban as an ISI operation:
In October 2006, NATO clearly
"NATO is now mapping the entire Taliban support structure in Balochistan, from ISI - run training camps near Quetta to huge ammunition dumps, arrival points for Taliban's new weapons and meeting places of the shura, or leadership council, in Quetta, which is headed by Mullah Mohammed Omar, the group's leader since its creation a dozen years ago...
In Panjwai the Taliban had also established a training camp to teach guerrillas how to penetrate Kandahar, a separate camp to train suicide bombers and a full surgical field hospital. Nato estimated the cost of Taliban ammunition stocks at around £2.6 million. "The Taliban could not have done this on their own without the ISI," said a senior NATO officer.shown no appetite for confronting the Taliban. The country is probably run by the ISI.
This may explain why Pakistan with an army of 500,000 and 500,000 reservists hasGeorge W. Bush read the riot act to the Pakistanis (wink, wink):
In August, 2008,
"President George W Bush confronted Yusuf Raza Gillani, Pakistan's prime minister, in Washington with evidence of involvement by the ISI, its military intelligence, in a deadly attack on the Afghan capital and warned of retaliation if it continues. ...Gillani... was left in no doubt that the Bush administration had lost patience with the ISI's alleged double game."excuse to fund the Pakistanis!:
Paradoxically, the US uses the Taliban as an
Last Friday, "Gen. David Petraeus urged Congress to approve $3 billion in aid to Pakistan for training its troops to fight insurgents in tribal areas. The most important, most pressing threat to the very existence of their country is the threat posed by the internal extremists and groups such as the Taliban and the syndicated extremists."
So let's keep this straight. The US is fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan while using the Taliban as an excuse to fund Pakistan who is maintaining the Taliban. Oh dear. And from Pakistan's viewpoint, the Taliban is the reason they are getting all this money.
Meanwhile Pakistan is a nuclear power. But it is not our enemy. Iran is our enemy. By some logic, Pakistan can have nuclear weapons but its neighbor Iran cannot.
In conclusion, in the New World Order there must be perpetual war and someone's got to pay for an enemy. So, the US is funding both sides of the Afghanistan war. If Americans aren't kept busy fighting Muslim extremists, they might figure out who their real enemy is, and we can't have that.
The British May be Helping ISI Train the Taliban
The Taliban Opium Connection
http://www.metimes.com/International/2008/05/14/the_taliban_opium_connection/2650/"NATO Spooked by Afghan Laws Upholding Patriarchy"
Comments for 'American Taxpayers Finance the Taliban"
Hassen said (April 26, 2009):
An interesting quote; makes a lot of sense with some of the headlines we see today.'The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological State is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs. 'This lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take immediate steps against Pakistan.'Whereas the inhabitants of the Indian peninsula are Hindus whose hearts have been full of hatred towards Muslims, therefore, India is the most important base for us to work there from against Pakistan. 'It is essential that we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans.'-David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister.His words, as printed in the Jewish Chronicle,9 August 1967:
'President Obama showed his hand this week when The New York Times wrote that he is considering converting the stock the government owns in our country's banks from preferred stock, which it now holds, to common stock.
This seemingly insignificant change is momentous. It means that the federal government will control all of the major banks and financial institutions in the nation. It means socialism.'
Obama's leap to socialism
By Dick Morris Posted: 04/21/09 05:21 PM [ET] President Obama showed his hand this week when The New York Times wrote that he is considering converting the stock the government owns in our country's banks from preferred stock, which it now holds, to common stock.
This seemingly insignificant change is momentous. It means that the federal government will control all of the major banks and financial institutions in the nation. It means socialism.The Times dutifully dressed up the Obama plan as a way to avoid asking Congress for more money for failing banks. But the implications of the proposal are obvious to anyone who cares to look.
When the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) intervention was first outlined by the Bush administration, it did not call for any transfer of stock, of any sort, to the government. The Democrats demanded, as a price for their support, that the taxpayers 'get something back' for the money they were lending to the banks. House Republicans, wise to what was going on, rejected the administration's proposal and sought, instead, to provide insurance to banks, rather than outright cash. Their plan would, of course, not involve any transfer of stock. But Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) undercut his own party's conservatives and went along with the Democratic plan, ensuring its passage.
But to avoid the issue of a potential for government control of the banks, everybody agreed that the stock the feds would take back in return for their money would be preferred stock, not common stock. 'Preferred' means that these stockholders get the first crack at dividends, but only common stockholders can actually vote on company management or policy. Now, by changing this fundamental element of the TARP plan, Obama will give Washington a voting majority among the common stockholders of these banks and other financial institutions. The almost 500 companies receiving TARP money will be, in effect, run by Washington.
And whoever controls the banks controls the credit and, therefore, the economy. That's called socialism.
Obama is dressing up the idea of the switch to common stock by noting that the conversion would provide the banks with capital they could use without a further taxpayer appropriation. While this is true, it flies in the face of the fact that an increasing number of big banks and brokerage houses are clamoring to give back the TARP money. Goldman-Sachs, for example, wants to buy back its freedom, as do many banks. Even AIG is selling off assets to dig its way out from under federal control. The reason, of course, is that company executives do not like the restrictions on executive pay and compensation that come with TARP money. It is for this reason that Chrysler Motors refused TARP funds.
With bank profits up and financial institutions trying to give back their money, there is no need for the conversion of the government stock from preferred to common —except to advance the political socialist agenda of this administration.
Meanwhile, to keep its leverage over the economy intact, the Obama administration is refusing to let banks and other companies give back the TARP money until they pass a financial 'stress test.' Nominally, the government justifies this procedure by saying that it does not want companies to become fully private prematurely and then need more help later on. But don't believe it. They want to keep the TARP money in the banks so they can have a reason and rationale to control them.
The Times story did not influence the dialogue of the day. People were much more concerned with the death of 21 horses at a polo match. Much as we will miss these noble animals, we will miss our economic freedom more.
Morris, a former adviser to Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss.) and President Bill Clinton, is the author of Outrage. To get all of Dick Morris's and Eileen McGann's columns for free by e-mail or to order a signed copy of their best-selling book, Fleeced, go to dickmorris.com.
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PAUL B. FARRELLJack Bauer can't stop 'The Goldman Conspiracy'
10 reasons why Wall Street has absolute power over America's democracy
ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. (MarketWatch) -- Two mind-numbing fast-paced dramas. Two parallel worlds. One real, one fiction, both deadly. Jack Bauer, mythic hero of "24."Dying from a deadly bio-pathogen leaked from weapons developed by Starkwood, a rogue mercenary army attacking the presidency, hell-bent on taking over America.The other drama in play: "Hank the Hammer" Paulson, iconic Wall Street hero, a Trojan Horse placed inside Washington by Goldman Sachs as Treasury Secretary in control of America's $15 trillion economy. Goldman, a modern dynasty with vast financial powers much like those once used by the de' Medici, Rothschilds and Morgans to control nations.Video: Is a correction imminent?One of the confounding aspects of bear market rallies is that the longer they last, the more likely investors are to expect a correction, says Barron's Bob O'Brien.Both dramas play high-stakes games with financial WMDs that have lethal consequences. Jack compresses thrills, kills and chills into 24 hours. Hank, Goldman and their army of Wall Street mercenaries move with equally blinding speed, heart-pounding action.Drama? You bet. Six short months ago Hank led an assault on Congress. The scene parallels one in "24:" Sangala War Lord Juma's brazen attack inside the White House. But no AK-47s necessary. The Hammer assaulted Congress with just a two-and-a-half page memo in hand. Like a crack special-ops warrior, he took down the enemy, demanding $750 billion, absolute control, total secrecy, no accountability and emergency powers to act immediately ...warning that inaction was not an option, that collapse of America's banking system was imminent, would bring down the global monetary system, pushing world's economies into a "Great Depression II." Congress surrendered.Here's the whole plot:Scene 1. American government is now run by the 'Goldman Conspiracy'
Destroy crime scene evidence of the mass murder of 3,000 people and tell a multitude of lies about some cave dwelling patsies and the people will flock to you for protection, cheering you on as you strut about the Nuremberg podium at the WTC.
Tell 1,000 lies or more to scare Americans into invading a country that was NO harm to the USA and had NOTHING to do with 9/11 and your reward is a cushy retirement, with the best medical care in the world, living in a multimillion dollar home you bought with "campaign" donations, get protected 24/7 by SS agents and stand to make around 20 million for speaking fees.
Spy on the USA, handing over business and military secrets to our "friend" and get rewarded by getting elevated to chair a House committee on Homeland Security and in the process of serving Israel, reap in a fortune worth around 500 million.
Torture some poor bastard to death and make snuff movies about it so you can watch them in the privacy of your room later on and beat off to the sounds of the man's death rattle... and get promoted.
Illegally spy on Americans, eviscerating the Bill of Rights, then brag about it to your DOJ head and have a good laugh.
Loot Wall Street pension funds and 401K retirement accounts for trillions and your "punishment" is to get rewarded several trillion more from your buds in the Treasury department.
Butcher thousands of Lebanese and Palestinians and not only see an increase of weaponry delivered to support the next blood soaked invasion, but have US Senators and Reps fighting one another to see who can get to the microphone first to profess their loyalty and undying love of all things Apartheid.
But goddamn it, if we catch you smoking pot, we'll arrest your ass so fast your head will spin.
Since 2000, how many Americans have been arrested for marijuana possession?
Since 2001, how many of the politicians that lied the US into an illegal and immoral war against Iraq and have helped loot Wall Street have been arrested and tried for their crimes?
ZERO, not counting "Scooter" LIbby, who had his sentence for perjury commuted. Fed Admits "Stress Tests" Are a Sham
The "stress tests" were supposed to triage those banks worth saving from those which were already too far gone to save.But as Nouriel Roubini, FDIC chief Sheila Bair, Nobel economist Paul Krugman, former senior S&L regulator William Black and many others said, the "stress tests" are a sham.Well, they've been proven right.
The Fed said today that - instead of letting the insolvent banks fail - which is what virtually all of the independent experts are recommending (see this for example), the Fed will rescue all banks which fail the stress test.Indeed, the Fed itself says:Even if the tests showed a bank needs more capital, that "is not a measure of the current solvency or viability of the firm," the Fed said in Friday's announcement about the test methodology.So the stress tests have nothing to do with solvency or viability, the advertised purpose behind the tests.As the above-linked article from Huffington Post points out:The announcement reinforced the Fed's view that major financial firms are "too big to fail," and that the government must do whatever is necessary to save them, said former Fed examiner Mark Williams."It appears 'too big to fail' is a fundamental philosophy _ it's a philosophical principle," said Williams, a finance professor at Boston University.In extreme cases, a rescue could include a government-backed merger, similar to what regulators did in helping Bank of America to buy Merrill Lynch and JPMorgan Chase & Co. to buy Bear Stearns.Critics say that policy has put taxpayer money at risk to give banks billions in government bailouts and guarantees.Indeed.2009 (317)Stress Tests Prove that Credit Default Swaps Still... Former Chief Accountant for the SEC: Bernanke and ... Fed Admits "Stress Tests" Are a Sham Torture REDUCED U.S. National Security Pelosi Feigns Ignorance of Torture Top Interrogation Experts Agree: Torture Doesn't... Self-Confessed 9/11 "Mastermind" Also Falsely Conf... Morgan Stanley Follows Goldman's Lead And "Skips" ... Torture, Iraq and 9/11 Constitutional Expert Slams 9/11 Commission
Every Youngster to Carry Out 50 hours Community Service by Age 19
'Schools will be offered new assistance starting in September to enable their pupils to undertake the voluntary service in their local communities. If the new target is not reached, Gordon Brown will consider making voluntary service a compulsory part of the secondary school curriculum.'
This is just a stepping-stone to compulsory service to the state.
Every youngster to carry out 50 hours community service by age 19
Every young person will be expected to undertake at least 50 hours of community service before they turn 19 under plans to be announced by the Prime Minister today.
By Robert Winnett, Deputy Political Editor
Last Updated: 8:44PM BST 23 Apr 2009Click to join CatapultTheNWOPoliceStateDepopulation agenda
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Denouncing the Morally Corrupt Menace of the Shadow World Govt Military Occupation Command Economy & Order out of Chaos Eugenics PsychopathClass illumiNazi Final Solution!
Sunday, 26 April 2009 Mexican Doctor: Real Figure Is 200 Dead, Situation Out Of Control'I work as a resident doctor in one of the biggest hospitals in Mexico City and sadly, the situation is far from "under control". As a doctor, I realise that the media does not report the truth.Authorities distributed vaccines among all the medical personnel with no results, because two of my partners who worked in this hospital (interns) were killed by this new virus in less than six days even though they were vaccinated as all of us were.The official number of deaths is 20, nevertheless, the true number of victims are more than 200. I understand that we must avoid to panic, but telling the truth it might be better now to prevent and avoid more deaths.'
Sunday, 26 April 2009 Obama as Jesus In New Painting
Sunday, 26 April 2009 You Cannot Have Pre-emptive Justice'It seems that terrorism and activism have been conflated in the minds of the police and we saw that with the over-aggressive policing of the G20 protests. There is a difference between stopping disruption if there's violent protest, where people are going to be endangered, and police infiltrating a legitimate demonstration before it takes place.It is the police's job to police protests, not to manage them so they do not happen. They need to accept that people have the right to choose to break the law and take the punishment which comes with that.'
Sunday, 26 April 2009 How The Banksters Got Away With It
It is the most comprehensive explanation you have ever seen
Sunday, 26 April 2009 Emanuel Says Obama Has '100% Confidence' in Fed Chief Bernanke
'President Barack Obama fully backs Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S Bernanke, who has come under scrutiny for his role helping engineer Bank of America Corp's purchase of Merrill Lynch & Co, a top White House aide said. 2The president has 100 percent confidence" in the U.S. Fed chief, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said in an interview on Bloomberg Television's "Political Capital with Al Hunt," airing this weekend.'
Sunday, 26 April 2009 CFR Corporate Members Get Lion's Share of Bailout Funds'Newspapers are fixated upon 160 million USD in bonuses given to American International Group (AIG) executives. And it's nice to know where the millions are going (note: the bonuses could have been cancelled had the federal government let the company go bankrupt, as officials should have). But where are the trillions in TARP, TALC and Federal Reserve Bank bailout funds going?'
Sunday, 26 April 2009 Monsanto Sues Germany to Force GMO Food'Monsanto is now suing the German government (and, by that, the people) to force them to grow their GM Corn.'
Sunday, 26 April 2009 US to Abandon Israel Over Iran?'As Israeli threats of war against Iran encounter stiff opposition in the US, the new administration mulls over imposing sanctions on Tel Aviv. US President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are mulling over a plan to impose sanctions against Israel if the right-wing government of Benjamin Netanyahu implements its long-sought policy of countering Iran's nuclear activities by taking military action against the country.'
Saturday, 25 April 2009 Police 'Running Network of Informants Inside Protest Groups''Three hours worth of recorded footage obtained by a national newspaper shows men claiming to be Strathclyde Police undercover detectives attempting to "recruit" a Plane Stupid environmental protester. The protester, Matilda Gifford, said she made the recordings using a hidden microphone to expose how she believes police sought to disrupt the legitimate activities of climate change activists.'
Saturday, 25 April 2009 V For 9/11 Vendetta Past Present and Future
Saturday, 25 April 2009 Printing Police Lies'If a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged, a liberal is a conservative who has been twatted by the police. As the tabloids turn their fire onto an unfamiliar target - the unprovoked aggression of Her Majesty's constabulary - the love affair between the cops and the rightwing press has never been more fragile.'
Saturday, 25 April 2009 The IMF: Raping The World, One Poor Nation at a Time'The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has been described as one of the enforcers of globalization. Nations who receive IMF assistance are often forced to surrender more sovereignty and further open up their borders to international banks and multinational corporations.Much of their wealth is then sucked dry by foreign predators with its resources and population essentially becoming the collateral for such financial aid. As a result of the global economic crisis, many more nations are having to turn to the IMF for help.At the recent G-20 Summit in London, the IMF's role was expanded and its powers enhanced. There was little mention of its failed policies and its less then stellar record of effectively promoting development and democracy around the world. While some talk of reform, the IMF continues to rape the world, one poor nation at a time.'
Saturday, 25 April 2009 The Moment Social Workers Snatched a Dementia Patient From Daughter's Home and Forced her Back to a Care Home
'Concerned about the treatment her elderly mother was receiving in a care home, Rosalind Figg decided to look after her personally. She and her partner created an ensuite bedroom with an alarm system to wake them if 86-year-old Betty Figg, who has dementia, got up in the night.
When her mother confirmed that she was unhappy, Miss Figg took her home in the hope that it would be the end of an unfortunate chapter in her life.
But two days later, amid astonishing scenes, the old lady was snatched back by social services. A distraught Mrs Figg was wheeled to a car with a blanket over her head after police who had been called in as back-up threatened to smash the door with a battering ram if the family did not hand her over.'
Saturday, 25 April 2009 David Icke Seattle/Vancouver Event: Tickets Now Available
David will be speaking all-day at the Mount Baker Theatre in Bellingham, Washington State, on October 4th.Tickets available by clicking here ...
Saturday, 25 April 2009 Zimbabwe Admits Raiding Private Bank Accounts'Zimbabwe's central bank governor admitted Monday that he took hard currency from the bank accounts of private businesses and foreign aid groups without permission, saying he was trying to keep his country's cash-strapped ministries running.'These people have no shame.
Saturday, 25 April 2009 Jamaican Army Deployed Ahead of Tax Increase'Jamaica's government put police and the army on alert to prevent violent demonstrations as it prepared to announce tax increases on gasoline, cigarettes and other consumer items on Thursday. Police and soldiers were deployed at what the government called "strategic" locations across the Caribbean island to quell any violent protests. Finance and Planning Minister Audley Shaw was expected to announce the tax increases during a budget debate later on Thursday.'
Saturday, 25 April 2009 AIPAC Initiates Another Politician
'Seriously America, how is your President supposed to do what is best for America and what is best for the Middle East peace process, when you allow Zionists like AIPAC to run your country? As if we needed another example of the power of AIPAC over politicians. It is reported that New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Democratic replacement for Hillary Clinton's seat has been taught a lesson by AIPAC.
Imagine this silly girl actually thinking that her job was to best represent the American people and the American government.'
Saturday, 25 April 2009 Obama: Israel Rose From Holocaust
'US President Barack Obama has reiterated US support for Israel, saying there are "strong and enduring" ties between Washington and Tel Aviv. Speaking at an annual memorial to the Holocaust at the Capitol, the US president admitted Thursday that Israel rose "from the destruction of the Holocaust."
"I believe history gives us cause for hope rather than despair -- the hope of a chosen people who have overcome oppression since the days of Exodus; of the nation of Israel rising from the destruction of the
Holocaust; of the strong and enduring bonds between our nations," said Obama.'
Please note those words, they are extraordinary. Here we have the President
of the United States saying that one 'racial' group are a 'chosen people'. Unbelievable. No wonder he has appointed so many 'chosen people' into key posts in the American government and the White House.
What would any other group be called if they claimed to be a chosen race, a chosen people? Racist. And who would be loudest in their condemnation? The leaders of Obama's 'chosen people'.
Life is not without its sense of irony.
Friday, 24 April 2009 Israeli Soldiers Detain Busloads of Schoolchildren for Three Hours'Israeli soldiers attacked the teachers and children returning from a school trip in the West Bank town of Beit Ummar on Thursday afternoon. Upon returning from a trip to Ramallah and Jericho, Israeli soldiers halted the buses at the entrance to the town, ordering the children and teachers off the buses.The children were held for three hours before international human rights activists stationed in the village intervened. The presence of teachers and the children's families also prevented the army from holding them longer. Witnesses said the soldiers "abused and intimidated" their detainees.'
Friday, 24 April 2009 DHS Chief Napolitano: Illegal Immigration Is Not a Crime'"Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano stunned many listeners during an appearance on CNN when she asserted that illegal immigration is really not a crime," reports Newsmax.com.Questioning the actions of Sheriffs who are trying to impose the law and prevent illegal immigration, Napolitano stated, "And yes, when we find illegal workers, yes, appropriate action, some of which is criminal, most of that is civil, because crossing the border is not a crime per se. It is civil. But anyway, going after those as well".'
Friday, 24 April 2009 The People Want Answers, Not the Same Old Lies
Friday, 24 April 2009 US Cities Increasing Use of Armed Mercenaries to Replace Police'The United States is in the midst of the most radical privatization agenda in its history. We see this in schools, health care, prisons, and certainly with the US military/national security/intelligence apparatus. There are almost 200,000 "private contractors" in Iraq (more than US soldiers) and Obama is continuing to use mercenaries there and in Afghanistan and Israel/Palestine. At present, 70 percent of the US intelligence budget is going to private companies.This privatization trend is hardly new, but it is accelerating. While events such as the Nisour Square massacre committed in September 2007 by Blackwater operatives in Baghdad show the lethal danger of unleashing mercenary forces on foreign soil, one area with the potential for extreme abuses resulting from this privatization is in domestic law enforcement in the US. Many people may not be aware of this, but since the 1980s, private security guards have outnumbered police officers.'
Friday, 24 April 2009 Drug Company Had Hit List for Doctors Who Criticized Them'The international drug company Merck had a hit list of doctors who had to be "neutralized" or discredited because they had criticized the painkiller Vioxx, a now-withdrawn drug that the pharmaceutical giant produced.'
It is the most comprehensive presentation you have ever seen
Friday, 24 April 2009Peter Schiff: Barack Obama Is Saying One Thing & Doing The Other!
Friday, 24 April 2009 Obama Vows to Battle Holcaust Denial
'US President Barack Obama spoke at a Holocaust Remembrance Day event at the US Capitol Thursday, and said he was committed to battling those who deny the atrocities of World War II. "To this day, there are those who insist the Holocaust never happened, who perpetrate every form of intolerance," the president said. "We have an opportunity as well as an obligation to confront these scourges... That is my commitment as president".'
Friday, 24 April 2009 Tony Blair (Middle East Peace Envoy!) Calls on World to Wage War on Militant Islam'Tony Blair has said he does not regret leading Britain to war in Iraq when he was Prime Minister and has called on the world to take on and defeat Islamic extremists. He believes that, without intervention, the problem will continue to grow in countries such as Afghanistan. He called for a battle to be waged against militant Islam similar to that fought against revolutionary communism.'
Friday, 24 April 2009 Crisis as a Means to Building a Global Totalitarian State
'We are witnessing the creation of the global electronic concentration camp, and crisis, conflicts and wars are used to justify it. As Douglas Reed wrote "people tend to tremble in the face of an imaginary danger and are too lazy to see the real one".'
Friday, 24 April 2009 UAE Prince Caught Red-handed on Torture Video
A senior member of the UAE royal family has been caught, literally red-handed, in a torture scandal after a videotape was released showing a man being severely assaulted by the prince. The videotape smuggled out of the country by Bassam Nabulsi, a businessman from Houston, Texas, depicts Sheikh Issa bin Zayed al-Nahyan, the UAE Crown Prince's brother, savagely torturing a man.
The victim was beaten with wooden planks with nails protruding from them and then the prince poured salt on his bleeding wounds.The video also shows the prince setting fire to parts of the victim's body, giving him electric shocks with a cattle prod, ramming desert sand into his mouth, and firing bullets around him with an automatic rifle.'
Thursday, 23 April 2009
The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday
We have had a ‘Budget’ this week in Britain, the day when the guy officially in charge of the nation’s finances, emphasis on ‘officially’, reveals as little as he can get away with and tells us what he intends to do about it.
It was a classic of its kind and made some unwelcome history to boot. These two facts are fundamentally related in that the history came with the announcement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling, that he intends to trigger a record UK government debt; the classic bit was his prediction that an economic recovery would begin at the end of 2009.
In the United States, Barack Obama, songster for the Wall Street cabal, has talked of ‘hopeful signs’ that the economy is improving. It’s all a con. They are having you on.
I have been saying since October/November that the engineered economic collapse is planned to have three major phases: (1) To crash the economy (done); (2) To have governments borrow extraordinary amounts of money from the very banking and financial cartel that the same ‘money’ is being spent to ‘bail out’ (being done); (3) To crash the economy still further when government options are exhausted and leave them with no way of responding (waiting to be done).
Then they step forward to 'save us' with a globally centralised banking dictatorship based on a World Central Bank.
‘Scamming the people is such fun – and so easy.’
Thursday, 23 April 2009 New David Icke All-Day Events Around The WorldPhoenix, Arizona, October 17th
David will be talking all day with his 1,000 illustrations.---------------------------------------------------------
Seattle/Vancouver, October 4th
David will be speaking all-day at the Mount Baker Theatre in Bellingham, Washington State.Tickets available from tomorrow by clicking here ...---------------------------------------------------------Events are also being organised for Zurich, Switzerland, on November 14th and Reykjavik, Iceland, on November 21st. Details when we have them.
Thursday, 23 April 2009 Clinton says Pakistan Poses 'Mortal Threat'
'Pakistan's government has abdicated to the Taliban in agreeing to impose Islamic law in the Swat valley and the country now poses a "mortal threat" to the world, the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said. Surging violence across Pakistan and the spread of Taliban influence through its northwest are reviving concerns about the stability of the nuclear-armed country, an important US ally vital to efforts to stabilize neighboring Afghanistan.'
Demonising Pakistan after years of supporting its previous military dictator is all part of the grand plan, as we shall see.
Thursday, 23 April 2009 Children Tracked by Sat nav to Stop Bad Behaviour'The project is being trialled across the six North Wales counties to tackle anti-social behaviour on school buses. Pupils will use a picture swipe card to clock on and off the bus allowing parents to keep a closer check on their child via a website.It will help deal with a number of issues including truancy, drivers reporting and identifying ill-behaved children and monitoring a child's whereabouts in the event of them going missing or a bus breakdown. The scheme include 'Bus Angels' aged 14 and above, who covertly report incidents of bad behaviour.'
Thursday, 23 April 2009 Rule of Law Vetoed by President Obama
'There are no headlines or pontificating pundits, but the real news that has become crystal clear to any but the most delusional and distracted Americans is that President Obama has no commitment to applying the rule of law where it counts. Certainly, not applying it to the large number of rich and powerful people that have violated our Constitution and plunged the nation into economic disaster.
Again and again we hear the flimsy argument from Obama and his top advisors that he wants to look forward and not backward. This is tortured logic when it comes to delivering justice in a nation supposedly cherishing the rule of law.'
Thursday, 23 April 2009 British Soldiers 'Tortured and Murdered 20 Iraqis, Then Covered it up With Firefight Claim''British soldiers tortured and murdered up to 20 Iraqis in cold blood, the High Court was told yesterday. It happened after a three-hour gun battle at an Army checkpoint near Basra, a lawyer claimed.Rabinder Singh said a group of local men were taken prisoner and transported to an Army camp where they were beaten with a rusty tent pole, punched, slammed against walls, denied water, blasted with loud music and forced to strip naked in the presence of a woman - a humiliation for Muslim men.'
Thursday, 23 April 2009 Slash Population to Save the World'Australia should consider having a one-child policy to protect the planet, an environmental lobby group says. Sustainable Population Australia says slashing the world's population is the only way to avoid "environmental suicide".National president Sandra Kanck wants Australia's population of almost 22 million reduced to seven million to tackle climate change. And restricting each couple to one baby, as China does, is "one way of assisting to reduce the population".'
It is the most comprehensive explanation you have ever seen
Thursday, 23 April 2009 Credit Card Giants Mock Pleas to be Fair
'Credit card giants have dramatically increased interest rates and found other back-door methods to wring cash from hard-pressed customers. Despite cuts in the Bank of England base rate to a record low of 0.5 per cent, banks and others have imposed punishing increases on the cost of using cards.
Some have added as much as 4 points to the headline interest rate charged to customers over the past year, taking the figure up to almost 20 per cent. The moves directly contradict demands from the Prime Minister for banks to treat credit card customers fairly.'
Thursday, 23 April 2009 Israel Pledges to Protect Itself from 'New Holocaust' Threat from Iran'Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, used a speech at Israel's ceremony marking Holocaust Remembrance Day on Apr 21, to issue a warning to Iran. "Only a matter of a few decades after the Holocaust, new forces have arisen that openly declare their intention to wipe the Jewish state off the face of the earth," he said'
Thursday, 23 April 2009 The Most Outrageous Israeli IDF Lie Ever'The Israel Defense Forces announced on Wednesday that an internal investigation has determined that no civilians were purposefully harmed by IDF troops during Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip. Following the release of the investigation results, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said that the army's willingness to probe itself "once again" proves that the IDF is one of the most moral armies in the world.'Ah, but look what was happening behind his back ...![]()
Thursday, 23 April 2009 Shattering The Myths
'The entire American political myth rests upon three massive lies that have prevented any real change from ever taking place. For at least the last fifty years!
One of these lies deals directly with the second branch of the Federal Government-the Congress of the Unit
[Message clipped]
This Blog is all about Black Untouchables,Indigenous, Aboriginal People worldwide, Refugees, Persecuted nationalities, Minorities and golbal RESISTANCE. The style is autobiographical full of Experiences with Academic Indepth Investigation. It is all against Brahminical Zionist White Postmodern Galaxy MANUSMRITI APARTEID order, ILLUMINITY worldwide and HEGEMONIES Worldwide to ensure LIBERATION of our Peoeple Enslaved and Persecuted, Displaced and Kiled.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Re: [Conspiracy-Theory] Icke-American Taxpayers Finance the Taliban,Fed Admits "Stress Tests" R a Sham,Every youngster 2carry out 50 hours community service by age 19,Obama's leap 2socialism,911-Only in America can you.,Jack Bauer can't stop 'The Gol
On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 12:03 PM, S.T.Ill Freeman <martiallawisiluminazitreason@yahoo.com> wrote:
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