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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Re: [bangla-vision] +Blackmailed Wilson Into WW I

On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 10:41 AM, [ The_Draconia_Chronicles ] <> wrote:

Hidden History Of How World War II Came To Be

By Kenneth McKilliam
Above photo shows a young German girl using German currency
as fuel in the family's furnace, such was the value of German money
after the "bankers" had run the German economy
into the ground and intentionally bankrupted the nation.
Americans have had very little sympathy for the Germans historically,
but this soon will change.
Distilling Facts From Fiction
The POWERS that emerged victorious from World War I made a second
war almost inevitable by the peace conditions they imposed
upon Germany. That second war was later made certain,
not by the intentions of Hitler but by the determination of his
enemies to destroy the new Germany that he had created.
By the Treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919 and the Treaty of St. Germain
on 20 September of the same year, the German people were thoroughly humiliated. The British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, wrote:
'The international bankers swept statesmen, politicians, journalists
and jurists all to one side and issued their orders
with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs.'
The old Austrian Empire was balkanised without respect to its
various cultures and nationalities. East Prussia was separated
from Germany by a large area ceded to Poland.
The Sudeten Germans were placed under Czech control.
The coal mining area of the Saar Valley was to be administered
for fifteen years by the League of Nations and then a plebiscite held.
The corrupt Weimar Republic was forced upon the German nation
and the middle classes were robbed of their savings by corrupt finance.
There were millions of unemployed and the Sparticist Jewish revolutionary leaders Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg were stirring up red revolution.
The Daily Mail reported on 10 July 1933:
'The German nation, moreover, was rapidly falling under the control
of its alien elements. In the last days of the pre-Hitler regime there were
twenty times as many Jewish government officials in Germany
as had existed before the war. Israelites of international attachments
were insinuating themselves into key positions
in the German administrative machine.'
Dr. Manfred Reifer, a well known leader of the Jews of Bukovina,
wrote in the Jewish magazine
Czernowitzer Allegemeine Zeitung (September 1933):
'Whilst large sections of the German nation were struggling
for the preservation of their race, we Jews filled the streets
of Germany with our vociferations. We supplied the press
with articles on the subject of its Christmas and Easter and
administered to its religious beliefs in the manner we considered suitable.
We ridiculed the highest ideals of the German nation
and profaned the matters which it holds sacred.'
Resentment and resistance began to build up against the alien horde
and in the year before Adolf Hitler came to power Bernard Lecache,
President of the World Jewish League, stated:
'Germany is our public enemy number one.
It is our object to declare war without mercy against her.'
The National Socialist Party of Adolf Hitler gained 17,300,000 votes
in the election and gained 288 seats in the Reichstag.
On 30 January 1933 Hitler was legally appointed Chancellor
of the German Reich by President Von Hindenberg.
On 24 March 1933 the Reichstag elected by 441 votes to 94
to give full emergency powers to the new Reich Chancellor
and the corrupt Weimar Republic ceased to exist.
On that same day, 24 March 1933, on the front page of the
London Daily Express appeared the main headlines:
"Judaea declares war on Germany: Jews of all the world unite",
and followed with:
'The Israelite people of the entire world declare economic
and financial war on Germany. The appearance of the Swastika
as the symbol of the new Germany revives the old war symbol of the Jews. Fourteen million Jews stand as one body to declare war on Germany.
The Jewish wholesale dealer leaves his business, the banker his bank,
the shopkeeper his shop, the beggar his miserable hut
in order to combine forces in the holy war against Hitler's people.'
The German government was removing Jews from influential
positions and transferring power back to the German people.
This declaration of war by the Jews on Germany was repeated
throughout the world. The first boycott of Jewish business
concerns came after this Jewish declaration of war in April 1933.
Vladimir Jabotinsky, founder of the Irgun Zvai Leumi terrorist organisation,
wrote in the January 1934 issue of Mascha Rjetach:
"For months now the struggle against Germany is waged
by each Jewish community at each conference in all our
syndicates and by each Jew all over the world. There is
reason to believe that our part in this struggle has general value.
We will start a spiritual and material war of all the world against
Germany's ambitions to become once again a great nation,
to recover lost territories and colonies.
But our Jewish interests demand Germany's total destruction,
collectively and individually."
"The German nation is a threat to us Jews."
--Emil Ludwig Cohen wrote in his book
The New Holy Alliance, Strasburg, 1938:
"Even if Hitler at the last moment would want to avoid war
which would destroy him he will, in spite of his wishes,
be compelled to wage war."
--Bernard Lechache wrote in The Right to Live (December 1938):
"It is our task to organise the moral and cultural blockade of Germany
and disperse this nation. It is up to us to start a merciless war."
--The Jewish newspaper Central Blad Voor Israeliten
in Nederlands printed on 13 September 1939:
"The millions of Jews living in America, England, France, North Africa
and South, not forgetting Palestine, have decided to carry on the war
in Germany to the very end. It is to be a war of extermination."
--The Toronto Star (26 February 1940) printed a declaration of a Rabbi
Perlberg, Director of the British section of the Jewish World Congress:
"The Jewish World Congress is in a state of war with Germany
for seven years."
--The Jewish magazine Sentinel of Chicago printed
in its issue of 8 October 1940:
"When the National Socialists and their friends cry or whisper that this
[the war] is brought about by Jews, they are perfectly right."
Hitler now put into operation the plan of getting all German areas
into one state and all Germans under one German Government.
The Germans in the Rhineland, the Germans in Austria and the
Sudeten Germans responded willingly. In January 1935,
the Saar Valley voted to return to Germany with a 90 per-cent poll in favour.
There were also Germans in East Prussia and in Danzig now divided
by land ceded to Poland by the Treaty of Versailles.
It is interesting to note that between 1933 and 1937 10,000 Jews
migrated to Hitler's Germany, 97 of them from Palestine.
An agreement was signed between Germany (Hitler) and Great Britain
(Neville Chamberlain) which suggested a peaceful revision of the wrongs committed by the Treaty of Versailles. A four-power conference
was suggested which would preserve the peace. The four powers
were Great Britain, Germany, France and Italy.
The paper Truth of 5 January 1952 stated that Mr. Oswald Pirow,
South African Minister of Defence, was sent on a mission to Germany
in 1938 by General Smuts to ease the tension on the Jewish issue.
The British Prime Minister told Pirow that pressure of International Jewry
was one of the principal obstacles to an Anglo-German accommodation
and that it would greatly help him resist that pressure if Hitler
could be induced to moderate his policy towards the German Jews.
Pirow stated that Hitler viewed this idea with favour and an Anglo-German agreement was in sight; the effect would have been, in the event of war,
to limit the conflict to Germany and Russia, with the other great powers intervening to enforce their own terms when the combatants were exhausted.
However, the Four Nations Pact was not to be. The Jews put an end to this,
for on 7 November 1938, a few weeks after the Munich Agreement
and shortly before the journey to Paris of the German Foreign Minister,
Von Ribbentrop, the Polish Jew, Herschel Feibel Grynszpan murdered
the German Third Secretary of State, Ernst von Rath, in the
German Embassy in Paris. The five bullets fired were the logical result
of the Jews' declaration of war on Germany of March 1933 and
put an end to the effort being made to explain and extend
the importance of the Munich Agreement
and the revision of the Treaty of Versailles.
This assassination provoked anti-Jewish riots in Germany, with
the burning of synagogues and the looting and burning of Jewish shops.
The anti-Jewish riots inflamed public opinion in Great Britain and the
USA against Chamberlain's efforts to relieve Anglo-German tension.
In the United States Germans were assaulted and persecuted.
The Jews began leaving Germany.
The Paris magazine L'Ami du Peuple wrote about them:
"These people fled from Germany because they attempted
to set up a rule of fire and blood and to let loose the horrors
of civil war and universal chaos."
The American Secretary of State, James Forrestal, who later died
in mysterious circumstances, wrote in his Forrestal Diaries
(Cassel and Co., London 1952):
"Have played golf with Joe Kennedy [US Ambassador in Britain,
father of President John Kennedy]. According to him,
Chamberlain declared that Zionism and world Jewry
have obliged England to enter the war."
The Jew, Schlomo Asch, in a pep talk to French troops in the line
in Le Nouvelles Litteraires (10 February 1940) wrote:
"This is our war and you are fighting it for us. Even if we Jews are
not bodily in the trenches we are nevertheless morally with you."
On 8 October 1942 Sentinel magazine stated unequivocally:
"The Second World War is being fought for the defence
and fundamentals of Judaism."
Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain had given an assurance that:
"The British Government would never resort to the deliberate attack
on women and children and other civilians for the purpose of mere terrorism."
However, his successor Winston Churchill appointed as his personal
adviser the Jewish Professor Lindemann. Lindemann, later Lord Cherwell, suggested the bombing of German cities and that working class areas
were legitimate targets, and from then onwards the last vestiges
of civilised decency in warfare were abandoned.
These bombings began on 10 August 1940 with the bombing
of the small open town of Freiburg on the Swiss frontier.
Fifty-three civilians were killed, including twenty children playing
in the park. It was reported by Mr. Taylor of the American Red Cross
in the New York Times of 3 May, 1940. This was before the
Germans began bombing British cities. Mr. J. M. Speight, CBE, Principal Secretary to the Air Ministry, wrote in his book The Splendid Decision:
"Adolf Hitler only undertook the bombing of British civilian targets reluctantly after the RAF had commenced bombing German civilian targets. It gave Coventry, Birmingham, Sheffield and Southampton the right to look Kiev, Kharkov, Stalingrad and Sebastopol in the face. Our Soviet allies would have been less critical of our inactivity if they had understood what we had done... Hitler would have been willing at any time to stop the slaughter. Hitler was genuinely anxious to reach with Britain an agreement confining the action of aircraft to battle zones."
In 1941, long before there was any assembling of Jews for the supposed extermination camps, a Jew, Theodor N. Kaufman, wrote 'Germany Must Perish.' Kaufman set out a plan for the total destruction of the German population by a very simple method: the mass sterilisation of all German men and women between the age of puberty and sixty years. He described the construction of the organisation for doing this. This book was the basis of the Morgenthau Plan for the total destruction of German industry and the enslavement of the German race. Naturally these intentions of Germany's enemy got into the hands of the German propaganda minister Goebbels, and it stiffened the resistance of the German nation to avoid defeat. The Morgenthau Plan formed the basis of discussions between President Roosevelt and Soviet leader Stalin acting through his liaison officer, the Soviet Jew Zabrousky, and also formed the basis of the Yalta Agreement.
From a pre-1993 edition of John Tyndall's Spearhead magazine



By Brother Nathanael Kapner - Copyright © 2008
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Sources: "The Role Of The Jews In WW I," Benjamin Friedman, Here;
"Waters Flowing Eastward," L. Fry; "A Jewish Defector Warns America"
"Primary Documents - The Balfour Declaration"

in the summer of 1914.

Within two years Germany had won the war.

The German submarines, which were a surprise to the world,

had swept all the British convoys from the Atlantic Ocean

and leaving Britain without ammunition and food for her soldiers.

At that time the French army had mutinied.
They lost 600,000 of the flower of French youth in the defense
of Verdun on the Somme. The Russian army was defecting.
And the Italian army had collapsed.
Not a shot had been fired on German soil yet Germany
was offering England peace terms.
They offered England a negotiated peace on what the lawyers call
a status quo ante basis which means: "Let's call the war off
and let everything be as it was before the war started."
England, in the summer of 1916, was considering
Germany's peace terms. They had no choice.
It was either accepting this negotiated peace that Germany
was offering them or going on with the war and being totally defeated.
While that was going on, the Zionists in Germany, led by the Jew, Chaim Weitzman, who later became the 1st President of Israel, went to the British War Cabinet and said: "Don't capitulate to Germany. You can win this war if the United States comes in as your ally. We can arrange this. But in return, you must promise us Palestine once the tide turns in your favor."
THE ZIONIST JEW CHAIM WEITZMAN was a Russian born chemist who moved to England in 1904. By 1915, Weitzman had developed a chemical process of producing acetone from maize. Acetone was a vital ingredient in production of artillery shells which Britain and her allies had a short supply of in the beginning of World War I.
It was during this period that Weitzman, through the mediation of Walter Rothschild, met Sir Arthur James Balfour, the First Lord of the Admiralty, and David Lloyd George, Britain’s Minister of Munitions. Both of these political figures were under the influence of the Rothschild banking dynasty, of which the Zionist Jew, Walter Rothschild, was the head. It did not hurt Weitzman's goals when in 1916 Lloyd George became the British Prime Minister and Arthur Balfour the Foreign Secretary.
It was through this connection that the Balfour Declaration granted "a Jewish homeland within Palestine." The Balfour Declaration was officially written to Walter Rothschild in 1919. The Balfour Declaration was merely Great Britain's promise to pay the Zionists what they had agreed upon for getting the United States into the war.
During this time period in America, President Woodrow Wilson was campaigning for his re-election in 1916 on his popular campaign slogan, "He Kept Us out of War." But on April 2, 1917, President Wilson addressed both houses of Congress and pleaded with them to declare war against Germany. What made Wilson change his mind?
SHORTLY BEFORE PRESIDENT WILSON'S re-election, he received a Jewish visitor in the White House by the name of Samuel Untermeyer. The Jew Untermeyer was a prominent New York City attorney of the Law Firm, Guggenheim, Untermeyer, & Marshall.
The Firm had as one of its main clients, Kuhn Loeb Bank, of which Jacob Schiff, an agent of Walter Rothschild, was the head. Both Untermeyer and Schiff contributed generously to the National Democratic Committee that installed President Wilson in the White House in both of his elections.
Untermeyer informed President Wilson that he had been retained to bring a Breach of Promise action against President Wilson. Untermeyer's client was the former wife of a professor at Princeton University at the same time that Wilson was a professor at Princeton University. Untermeyer informed Wilson that his client was willing to accept $40,000 in lieu of commencing the Breach of Promise action.
Untermeyer produced a packet of letters from his pocket written by President Wilson to his colleague's wife when they were neighbors at Princeton University. These letters established the fact that an illicit relationship had existed between Wilson and the wife of his Princeton colleague. Wilson immediately acknowledged his authorship of the letters. Untermeyer then informed Wilson that his former sweetheart was in dire need of $40,000.
President Wilson informed Untermeyer that he did not have the $40,000 to pay his blackmailer. Untermeyer then volunteered to give Wilson's former sweetheart the $40,000 out of his own pocket - but on one condition: that President Wilson promise to appoint to the first vacancy on the United States Supreme Court, the Zionist and Talmudic Jew, Louis Dembitz Brandeis.
Without further talk, President Wilson accepted Mr. Untermeyer's generous offer. Then on
June 5 1916, nearly one year before Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany, Wilson appointed the Zionist Jew, Louis Demitz Brandeis, to the Supreme Court. Many were surprised that Wilson, the son of a Christian minister, would appoint to the highest court in the land the first Jewish Supreme Court Justice in US history.
President Wilson and Justice Brandeis became unusually intimate friends. Justice Brandeis knew the circumstances behind his appointment by President Wilson and Wilson feared Brandeis because of it.
Justice Brandeis, through the advice of his Zionist colleague, Rabbi Stephen Wise, volunteered his opinion to President Wilson that the sinking of the S.S. Sussex by a German submarine in the English channel with the loss of lives of US citizens justified a US Declaration of War against Germany.
Relying to a great extent upon the legal opinion of Justice Brandeis, (as well as fear of what Brandeis knew of Wilson's illicit affair), President Wilson appealed to Congress to declare war against Germany. This Congress did, on April 6, 1917. The Declaration of War against Germany by the United States guaranteed the Jews throughout the world that Palestine would be turned over to them upon the defeat of Germany even though Britain had already promised it to Trans-Jordan upon the defeat of the Ottoman Empire.
Indeed, Congress declared war against Germany because of Wilson's assertion that Germany had sunk the S.S. Sussex and that US citizens aboard had perished with the ship. But after General Pershing's troops were fighting in Europe, the hoax was exposed. The S.S. Sussex had not been sunk and no citizens of the US had lost their lives.
But now the United States was officially at war in Europe. In this war, 115,516 American soldiers were killed and 202,002 were maimed for life. That is what the Anti-Christian Jews of the world conspired to achieve in their crooked diplomatic underworld.
For More See: "The Evils Of Zionism" Click Here
And: "How The Jews Took Great Britain" Click Here

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admin @ April 25, 2008


  1. Lame Cherry April 25, 2008 @ 3:24 pm
    One must always be careful of the "smoking gun" as in reality there are a number of "smoking guns" in all situations.
    For example, in WW I American financiers were supplying the British and French which meant huge debt for them and a huge default if they lost the war. If Germany lost,it would mean the end of imperialism and leave just the British Empire and American superstate with Germany holding the debt.
    Next, the Zimmeman Note is not even mentioned which was the real leverage for the war. Wilson, being like all democrats had got himself into the Mexican War and Americans were sour on it.
    He could not go back in and when the Zimmerman Note surfaced in which Germany was declaring unrestricted submarine warfare with the promise if Mexico attacked America she would get the American southwest, Wilson had his "populist" war to win election as Theodore Roosevelt was about to enter the race again on the Republican side.
    The overriding factors were many, but allied submarines also wreaked havoc on the German iron ore shipping. In that is basically the key to World War I.
    The allies in trench warfare had absolutely asinine tactics in the British sent waves of men on foot against machine gun implacements slaughtering ten thousand at an attack. Like in World War II when the British were firing at the Bismark of Germany and her shells bounced off that battleship, the British artillery was falling short on their own troops and they ran out of shells from the first campaign. That had nothing to do with Jewish financiers or submarines. It had to do with inept British planning.
    In essence, World War I was won by allied tanks smashing German lines and as historians surmise as Rudyard Kipling's recent story about the death of his son, Jack, leading an Irish regiment in charge, that the Germans were simply out of bullets as they had shot so many allied troops.
    There are many factors behind WW I and the same factors are lining up in the same pattern for WW III which is well on it's way.
    The Balkans, not the zionists, but European financiers backing secular Jews in the Israeli state with the weakening of the British, French and Americans by trade and secondary wars all point to a central European state forming with the same Muslim faction, Russian and Asians.
    It will be quite a fascinating Biblical time and in that we must never overlook that God's hand is ever present in this for His Israelite nations of the west as He fulfilled the promise to Joseph in making his sons great in blessings and by the wars of sects, God made America and the British the greatest powers in the world with Denmark, which means Mark of Dan, as in the tribe of Dan.
    This is the household of Rachel and her handmaid in controlling world wealth. The control though has fallen to the financiers who are not running this for the good of the western peoples which would bless the world, but only for their control.
    This will generate the 3rd world war or Great Eurasian War as those powers via for control and once gain drag in the west when the central Europeans who are of Assyrian and Babylonian decent once again move for empire control in the Middle East.
    God bless and thank you for your time.
  2. Just Saying April 25, 2008 @ 3:28 pm
    Thank you again for another eye opening article!
  3. Jordan April 25, 2008 @ 7:09 pm
    Very good article. Also don't forget about the assasination of franz ferdinand.
    Jews were involved in that too.
  4. pj April 26, 2008 @ 7:11 am
    lame cherry left out an important fact about the Zimmerman Note: the Mexican government was to be approached with the offer only if the United States entered the war.
  5. Jefferson Davis April 26, 2008 @ 1:45 pm
    "In essence, World War I was won by allied tanks smashing German lines.."
    Utter nonsense. Simplistic PBS - grade school taught history has nothing to do with the Allied victory anymore than Wilson's rationale of entering WW1 was 'unrestricted submarine warfare or 'Making the World Safe for Democracy". And as hard to fathom in this PC world. Zionist influences were an issue with disastrous results as the modern Milldle East shows today.
    Germany signed an armistice entirely on French soil.
    There are a hundred more factors involved and we all know power does not operate in a vauum. Mitchell's "illusion of Victory" are just one specific conclusion of lies and malfeasance on the iisues of cause and effort and those involved in that most criminal of all wars. After all the Middle East, Balkans, World War two were just continuations and by products of that war.
  6. Lynda April 26, 2008 @ 8:28 pm
    "In essence, WW I was won by allied tanks smashing into German lines."
    I agree this is simplistic.
    Of the Allied 'victory' in WW I, he historical question that must be rasied is won for Whom? The war might have been won by the allies on military terms. But Whom did the peace serve?
    The British people? The American people? In no way were these nations served by the peace.
    The Treaty of Versailles did not serve the interest of any Western nation as a nation.
    So Whose Interest did it serve?
    The answer to these questons will also be bound up with the answer to Who was able to organize and direct "the hundred other factors" and order them to the agenda of that Interest.
    The official government story and agitprop on any side is put up to conceal the real players and the real agenda and to goad or stampede national populations into the actions that have been planned.
  7. Barrykuda April 26, 2008 @ 10:54 pm
    Money and blackmail are tactics used by all "behind the scenes" manipulators in human history.The need to control a situation like WWI(getting palestine) by creating reasons for a peacefull nation(USA)going to war for zionist interest is truly evil.Rothchild influence is behind the time period of 1914 to 1945 financing National socialism and Soviet socialism with the zionist bought and paid for Roosevelt,Stalin and Sabbatean Jew Gaydolf Hitler working to establish Isreal for their $money Masters$!
  8. Paul April 27, 2008 @ 4:22 am
    Keep blaabbing your supported facts. You have no original thoughts in your goofball head. Of course, you will ping on the 7 facts you have supported, not the entire comment.
    The media will soon do a feature on you, that will focus on the hate you preach, not the "whoa is me , I am a street evangelist" sob story you spew. Soon all the people of Colorado will know that you are full of vitriol, not love.
    Of course you and "Lynda" will mod this out, as it does not fit the views of your anti-jew hatesite.
    God loves everyone sir. You will pay in the end.
  9. admin April 27, 2008 @ 8:09 am
    Dear Paul,
    This site is dedicated to "reproving the works of darkness" of those who historically have been the "enemies of the Cross," (as St Paul says in his Epistle to the Philippians), namely, the Jews.
    Love without truth is a lie dear Paul. I am hoping that many Jews will come to repentance and repudiate the evil deeds of their compatriots of whom they all stand in solidarity with, and, like myself, join the Church that Christ established.
    This is the only way of love.
    +Brother Nathanael
  10. bonanzaman April 27, 2008 @ 9:00 am
    It doesn't matter who supplies the money, or whose currency it is, or who acquires the debt because all money originates from the same place and has since 1694. The Rothschild banking system ultimately is the beneficiary of every act of war, every barrel of oil, every drug deal (legal and illegal), every stock market, or any business. Just name it. Now there are only 5 left to join. They are Iran, Syria, Libya, North Korea, and Cuba. The problem is that 25% of humanity are Muslims and Islam does not allow usury. That's why they are doing everything they can to turn the world against Islam.
  11. WLindsayWheeler April 27, 2008 @ 10:25 am
    WWI was instigated on purpose. Let us also add to this mix Bernard Baruch. He was friends with Woodrow Wilson, Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt. FDR spent 30 days at his place to recover from a sickness. WWI was NOT caused by Germany but the Versailles Treaty DID cause great harm to Germany! WWI was all about destroying Germany and its monarchies. And WWI led to WWII! This was all done on purpose and instigated by the Jews. Germany was made a scapegoat for all of this and it is very shamefull indeed. WWI destroyed Germany which was the LAST to mobolize and did not want the war. It is my opinion that Bernard Baruch played a much heavy hand in WWI and in WWII. The Jews have Teutonophobia and their hatred of Germany and of Germans is great.
  12. Lynda April 27, 2008 @ 3:30 pm
    Again, Paul, you are freely invited to quote this website and demonstrate to the these readers where exactly are the statements that express hatred for the Jewish people as a people or (as this is an American website) statements that deny their legitimate rights under the American system of government.
    No group in America is above criticism and comment. And these facts stand to the fore.
    Denial, counter-accusation, threat does not alter these facts of historical record. Many substantiated from Jewish sources.
    "The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish planning and Jewish dissatisfaction. Our Plan is to have a New World Order. What worked so wonderfully in Russia is going to become a Reality for the whole world."
    The American Hebrew Magazine, Sept. 10, 1920
    "The Full Responsibility for the First World War, lies squarely on the shoulders of the International Jewish Bankers. They are responsible for millions of dead and dying."
    U.S. Congress-Record 67th Congress, 4 Sitting Senate Document nr.346.
    The problem Paul, for you, is not these facts as such. As more of this comes to light, the Jewish expressions of remorse over these war crimes and crimes against humanity, holocausts and genocides seem muted at best. What is loud and out there are denials and accusations such as yours.
    How different this is to the American spirit of remorse and sorrow over the part America has played in, for example, Operation Keelhaul and the crimes of our time.
    I see that you do not dispute these facts as such, but rather what you can't stand is that the hated Goyim know these facts.
    All refs from the internet scholarly library on judaism.
  13. Garrett Davis April 27, 2008 @ 4:51 pm
    Allied Tanks smashing through German lines?What is that a joke?Tanks in them days were unreliable peices of junk that couldn't keep the pace of somebody walking!And the United States didn't even have a tank corps.What won the war was good ol wave after wave suicide attacks that were the norm then, whoever had the most sheeple would win the Battle.Some things never change,The Jews and the Neocons have been behind every war since and until both of them are put in their place more of the same will be killing peoples children, For the sake of profit for both of them!My Children will stay home!let those scammers fight it!This family will not fight for the Jews or the Neocons!there not worth dying for!No wonder the Arabs hate them,When you steal somebodys homeland what do you expect!
  14. Brenda April 28, 2008 @ 7:15 am
    Paul, you are speaking like a man who is full of fear; a man who is having a hard time accepting the truth of the facts that Brother Nathanael has laid out.
    I know how you feel. I felt the same way five years ago when I first started reading and researching some of these facts. This was long before I knew of Brother Nathanael.
    Brother Nathanael is only the messenger.
    The facts stand alone for anyone courageous enough to see and accept the truth.
    The media would likely due a hit piece on Brother Nathanael and simultanaeouly ignore or repress information provided here because we all know who "owns" the Media. That's an easy one.
    Instead, your time would be better spent getting solid facts, realizing why what is — is; and exposing the wrongdoers.
    Only in that way can we hope to save individual nations who now naively sign onto the global network of finance, trade, etc; in essence, George Bush's "new world order."
    Right now, the cancer of globalism (which exists to benefit the minority financially irregardless of the harm to the majority morally and physically) is metastisizing at a very fast rate.
    Should it totally succeed, it will be house of cards that comes crashing down into a pile of ashes; much like the Tower of Babel.
    The Founding Fathers of the United States Constitution were vehemently against the type of banking systems employed today by the U.S. and banks worldwide. This system puts the entire worldwide banking system into the hands of only a few.
    They wanted the United States to have its own system beholden to no one except the American people.
    Yes, Brother Nathanael provides the enlightening details of how far we have gone — how far we have strayed from these ideals.
    All of us will be waiting for the "Media" hit piece on him . . . so we can critique it; exposing them for what they are.
    God works in mysterious ways, doesn't He?
  15. Lynda April 30, 2008 @ 11:26 pm
    That the American Hebrew Magazine does not exist will be news to the Nizkor Project. This is a Jewish website dedicated to combating Holocaust Denial. The AHM is frequently quoted with its publishing details which is the American Jewish Committee.
    Please check this out.
    Issues with quotes considered damaging to the Jewish interest are becoming difficult to impossible to get - even from archives.
    However, quotes such as this which have been quoted in many secondary sources are now 'out there'. And it is archived by Frank Weltner.
    Wikipedia is constantly being doctored. I think the encyclopedia Briticanica is far more reliable.
    The U.S. Congress-Record will be traceable and the Senate Hearing which concerned the American Polish community closely was archived at Papurec. Look at the papurec archives.
  16. Lynda May 1, 2008 @ 2:55 am
    Your comments are irresponsible and all over the shop.
    I think you should take this to your 'Bible class' -
    The US War Dept - Military Intel Division investigated and evaluated the issues generated by the Jewish Internationale in 1919 - including the authenticity of The Protocols of Zion in the context of the Russian Revolution of 1917. This was a public Hearing and the issues it generated were covered extensively in the American press, including the Jewish press.
    The Jewish Power in the U.S. succeeded in having these findings classified until 1973. Now anyone can read them Doc No. 245-1.
    The quote from Herzl which you deny exists is in this record. Although the quotation from the American Hebrew Magazine was from Sept 10, 1920, it is 'of a piece' with other similar statements from the Jewish press quoted in the U.S. Military Intel.
    Applying the principle of Ockham's Razor: 'the simplest explanation suffices' - it is moot whether or not this particular quote from the American Hebrew Magazine Sept 10, 1920 comes to light or not. Many other quotations (including sworn testimony) from the US War Dept Investigation could be cited that express exactly the same view.
    I do not agree that Frank Weltner is a white supremacist. He is first and foremost a librarian. But even if he were a white supremacist, the material he has archived stands on its own merits.


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