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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti devi were living

Thursday, August 28, 2008


----- Original Message -----
From: leslie o

Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 8:29 PM
Subject: 295- (X) HTML - "HAARPING" THE WORLD - 20080928-0330

Thank for this. Most of the alternative media feels that reporting on the same news that the mainstream media does.. like the absurdly theatrical and planned squirmishes between the phoney presidential candidates are FAR more important than the weaponry hanging over our heads... exactly like a technological Guillotine.
The 'dog & pony show' of politics is an ever-distracting tool of many complicit journalists.

In truth... based on what I alone have experienced... the technology that is KNOWN is not only what should 'scare the pants off of us' but the incredibly sophisticated "SCI-FI technology" which the government HIDES and which is probably 100 years more advanced than is publicized -- is their true 'ace in the hole'.
When they bring THOSE WEAPONS out... along with with the 300,000 unmanned surveillance drones waiting in the wings... God help us all.

This technology will hold ALL of us prisoners. Torture will invisibly be perpetrated by a technician from a REMOTE location. This is ALREADY being done to tens of thousands of people in the USA alone, yet again... the Alternative Media does not feel that this is as important as reporting on the rehearsed exploits of Obama & McCain in a fixed election.
One must wonder what goes through their heads or whose payroll they are on!

Why should the NWO care if we know the names of the CFR or the Illuminati? One peep out of our mouths and we -- and our children -- will be incinerated with one pulse.

The technology they have in place now... which most informed Activists do not even believe ....can kill us immediately without leaving a shred of evidence. Heart attack, Suicide, Stroke, Incineration .... It is a 'hitmans wet dream'.

The buzz words at the Pentagon are: soft kill, slow kill, silent kill.
Nice guys, huh? They are the masters of murder.
They don't know how to do anything else. They are neither strong nor intelligent. Their every act is only by cohersion or murder.... they have given up their humanity and any shred of decency to gain control of those they secretly... ENVY.
THEY are the weak leak in humanity.

295- (X) HTML - "HAARPING" THE WORLD - 20080928-0330

FOR RELEASE BEFORE 20080928-0330




Gradually, we see that the most strange things are happening in the world, moreover things somewhat illogical, irrational, hence somewhat hard to explain. But let's try ! To start with, many are those who have been asking me the following rather logical question:
"In view of the genocidal terrorism and the torture of children routinely practiced by the United States in almost every part of the world and considering that the "citizens" of that evil empire refuse to place their entire terrorist government under arrest, in view of that, shouldn't these people be burned alive, after which they will go burn in hell for all eternity for their sin of indifference and passiveness?"
That does seem to be a fair question, isn't it ? Well as you are about to see, not only is this going to happen but it is going to be far worse because people will have the feeling of burning FROM THE INSIDE ! Moreover, this will be done by their own U.S. countrymen !


Murder is nothing new and has been an inhuman barbaric habit ever since our species started existing. Furthermore we see that at some historical points, murders were few and far between while at other times, they became genocides of millions. In addition, we have to observe that historians not only never try to explain the mechanics of it all but have in fact for principle to paint a "positive" picture of everything as if Humanity evolved from the worst to the best. Of course, were they truthful and were they to tell it the way it is, their career and whenever necessary their life would be terminated right then and there by plutocratic forces. I discovered this in 1978 when I suddenly became FORBIDDEN READING. That was the end of my writing . . . for a while! Now that I am 80, I'll have to die soon anyway so the enemy doesn't scare me any longer.

Furthermore, the Internet appeared and now - though temporarily - we are able to write what we think. For how long? For not very long because the U.S. government is presently elaborating means to stop Internet altogether. This for the simple reason that we are not allowed to know the truth . . . for the logical deduction that were the masses to actually know what is going on, they would immediately start a revolution and flush their entire government down the toilet of history: In other words, JUSTICE AT LAST .

In addition, as many people have noticed, some of us have now difficulties with their Internet connections as well as long distance telephone connections: Almost the entire world is being tightly controlled by the U.S. under plutocratic orders and it can easily be predicted that it is gradually going to get far worse and never any better. Except of course if there is an unlikely world revolution. Question: Have you EVER seen mice revolting against cats ? Or flies against spiders? Of course not ! ! !


The entire world is presently threatened by the awsome quantity of weapons of mass destruction which the U.S. has stocked inside the U.S., as well as in over 100 U.S.-occupied countries and as well as in submarines cruising the world over. Not only has no other country a similar amount of weapons of mass destruction but the United States possesses more of them than the entire rest of the world all put together. That in itself is bad enough. Far worse however is the fact that the United States dares to accuse other countries (e.g. countries which the U.S. plans to attack and destroy). . . of wanting to defend themselves.

Why does the Evil Empire act this way? For the following reason which is most important to understand and keep in mind:

The United States is not independent and has never been. From the very first day of its creation, the United States was the property of, first the plutocracy and next the International Plutocracy. U.S. presidents are invariably worthless puppets who have the choice of either doing what they are told or die. It has happened that some presidents, such as Kennedy, changed their mind and refused to follow plutocratic orders. . . in every case they died in unpleasant circumstances.

The necessary objective of the International Plutocracy is the elimination of the 6.6 billion unneeded people presently living on this planet. This is the reason why the U.S. is storing so many weapons of mass destruction and why they are murdering people by the million everywhere, in fact this reason is reflected in everything they do. At the same time, it explains what is presently going on and why. However, the plutocracy are no fools, far from it, which is why we observe that in order to be sure to succeed in their great project, they are:
1. Storing extremely great quantities of weapons of mass destruction.
2. And pressuring all other countries to disarm (in order to be more easily destroyed).
3. Poisoning the air, water and food needed by people in order to weaken their will to resist.
4. Promoting worldwide deseducation, negative brainwashing and criminal "freedom".
5. Creating new diseases non stop, as well as preparing deadly vaccines and remedies.
6. Preparing for the total elimination of their own 300 million so-called "citizens".
If one observes the lack of revolutionary spirit among "modern" people in general and in the U.S. in particular, one has to conclude that this plutocratic project will be 100% successful as in fact was expected long ago. Too many people have a sick tendency to believe whatever is official, printed in the papers or shown on television, all of which are tools of the International Plutocracy.

3. H.A.A.R.P.

I don't know everything and in this case, H.A.A.R.P. is something new to me... perhaps it is old stuff to you. Whatever. Furthermore and as usual, there are some guys who refuse to believe any of it and who claim that is is all a hoax. We will see if they still think so when they are COOKING !

Actually, H.A.A.R.P. means "High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program". Well. "research" my foot, in fact the plutocratic enemy intends to use H.A.A.R.P. specifically - and only - for genocidal purposes, such as causing earthquakes, weather modifications, cooking people alive and so on. But people don't want to know about all that... They call it "negative thinking". They prefer to read the fables and stupidities in newspapers and watch the television brainwash, after which they can suffer and die as their reward for their indifference and passiveness. Anyway, here is an old article from Russia about H.A.A.R.P. It is rather moderate, naive even, possibly because it comes from Google. But it will give you an idea of what is coming because 2002 was Paradise compared to 2008... and by 2010 - take it from me - you, as well as your children, will be roasting alive:
The use of the new geophysical weapon
might lead to a global catastrophe

A lot of specialists and scientists believe that unpredictable natural disasters and several man-caused catastrophes that struck Europe and Asia in the summer of the year 2002 indicate that there might be certain global reasons that caused them all. First and foremost, it goes about a possibility of secret geophysical weapon tests. Those tests were either secret or unauthorized. The Russian Federation State Duma spent almost a year, considering the global threat of the HAARP program. The Duma finally prepared two addresses: to President Putin and to the UN, international organizations, parliaments and governments of all countries, to the scientific community of the world, as well as to the mass media. The Russian parliament suggested the global banning of HAARP tests. In September of the year 2002 the State Duma of Russia discussed this question and conducted the voting in order to send the mentioned addresses to the adequate addressees. One hundred and eighty-eight deputies voted for the address to President Vladimir Putin, whereas the same subject for the UN returned 220 votes. This proved that Russian parliamentarians were rather concerned about the development and possible use of geophysical weapons.

Condoleezza Rice's sexual worries in the White House
Future generations to suffer from severe lack of fresh water
USA plans to encircle Russia with missiles and radars
Russian pop star Anna Semenovich

It is well known that the USA and the USSR concluded an agreement at the end of the 1970s. Pursuant to this agreement, scientific developments in the field of geophysics for military purposes were banned. All the works in the field became secret too. However, the works continued anyway, despite the signed document. It was simply conducted under the disguise of the scientific research or the development of the double-purpose technology. The point and the purpose of those developments were rather vague and even mysterious.
A lot of specialists and scientists believe that a special American program HAARP is one of those developments. American scientist Bernard Eastlund is considered to be the godfather of this program. He received the patent for the method and for the device to measure the layers of the Earth atmosphere, the ionosphere and/or the magnetosphere. It is an open secret that the USA (probably, not the USA alone) has already constructed high-frequency transmitter facilities. Those devices can heat the earth environment up to the state of plasma by means of pumping ions. This makes it possible to control the environment, which might show considerable influence on the atmospheric phenomena. The owners of this weapon are able to program floods, twisters and storms, even earthquakes in any region of the planet. It is also possible to paralyze civil and military electric surveillance systems, and even to affect the mentality of whole nations.
There is a suspicion that the unusual natural disasters and man-caused catastrophes of the year 2002, the unexplainable indifference of several nations on the post-Soviet territory might be linked to USA’s tests of geophysical weapons of low capacities. However, neither American politicians and scientists, nor the world community know, if it is going to be possible to stop the work of the geophysical weapon, if it is used at its full capacity. This is the major problem. It is quite possible that the first full capacity use of the geophysical weapon might end up in a global catastrophe. Does it seem to be science fiction? Not really, as a matter of fact High frequency transmitter facilities already exist. They are located in Norway and at an army base in Alaska. The short description of the program and some photographs can be found on the official site Another high power transmitter facility, a more powerful one, is going to be put into operation in Greenland soon. When this happens, the geophysical weapon will be capable of covering Eurasia from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast.
The information on this subject appeared on several Ukrainian websites on September of 2002. In this connection, I think that the Ukrainian parliament must support the initiative of the Russian State Duma as well. The Ukrainian Academy of Sciences ought to consider the issue of HAARP’s potential threat to Ukraine. Adequate institutions ought to collect all the information available and identify Ukraine’s stand on the subject.
Yuru Solomatin Ukrainian deputy, the secretary of the Ukrainian committee for the economic policy, nature management and for the liquidation of Chernobyl tragedy consequences.
(Translated by Dmitry Sudakov)
My conclusion from the above is that unless the Evil Empire - as the United States is now called - is destroyed from coast to coast and to a depth of 2 kms, the entire world will be depopulated and come to think of it that is just what the International Plutocracy needs. HURRAH for the wealthy few, they win... as to the rest of us fools, we will be granted the privilege of immediate access to the fires of hell as our just reward for our inaction and our lack of fighting spirit.


All through history, there have been people to predict the end of the world... sometimes they did this as a means to make money, for instance in the case of religions; other times for miscellaneous other reasons. During the 20th century, many religions increased the number of their believers by predicting the end of the world for the year 2000... not before and not after. This prediction seemed reasonable enough so that up to the year 2000, the priests made lots of money.

But 2000 came and... no end of the world! So faith took a justified downturn, made even worse by the fact that those same people who had been predicting the end of the world for 2000, suddenly changed their tune and claimed never to have predicted it. So, the end result was as expected: More and more (older) people stopped going to church (and stopped paying for it), churches became empty and often happened to burn down... so somebody got the insurance money.

Again the whole thing was a big mistake, typical of non-thinking people because the only thing that was certain and proven was that the priests and their religions were phony, dishonest, not to be believed. But it did not and could not prove the existence or the non-existence of God. Myself, 80 years old, I have lived through all that but I would be unable to say whether God exists or not. That is for each person to decide for him- or herself. At this point, I tend to think there possibly is a God but definitely NOT the kind we are led to believe by money hungry "priests". Incidentally, a number of people are now claiming that the Catholic Religion's pope is actually a convinced atheist, guilty of murders. For instance: leslie o August 21st 2008 (09:16) : Is the Pope really Catholic?


One thing is sure. Religions and the belief in the end of the world is a considerable help to the Depopulation Agenda of the International Plutocracy, which is why the wealthy few, who are hard-core nonbelievers, pretend to be believers. That way they can more easily convince naive, non-thinking people that they are doing the right thing murdering millions of people the world over. Iraq is just a last instance. Worse has happened and will continue to happen, thanks to the indifference and passiveness of U.S. "citizens" (as fools are called over there)... and as a reward, they will burn !

Human history is there to show that we are going from bad to worse. Before, people were murdered a few at a time, now they are tortured and killed dozens at the same time and soon, thanks to H.A.A.R.P., people will be cooked alive by the hundreds, next by the thousands. And new inventions are currently being perfected which will destroy people by the million. Meanwhile, people protest ! As if it did any difference ! They are stupid and their stupidity will destroy them. Because protesting is useless, while fighting is courageous, heroic and may save the world.


I hate to have to repeat myself but facts are facts, moreover easily verifiable. Let's review them:
1. Weather modifications... claimed to be "natural" by well paid "scientists" !
2. Poisoning of the food, water and air by the U.S.M.I.C. ... claimed to be non existent !
3. Creation of new diseases... claimed to be "for defense purposes" !
4. Fabricating weapons of mass destruction, e.g. HAARP, claimed to be for scientific research !
5. Subverting and corrupting other governments the world over !
6. Fabricating false accusations against non-plutocracy owned governments !
Those are the misdeeds of the U.S. government, supported by millions of U.S. "patriots", who refuse to think and understand that what is going on is actually DEPOPULATION, something that is not, and of course cannot, be limited to the genocide of foreigners but must and will include ALL U.S. "citizens", this for the simple reason that ONLY the members of the International Plutocracy are intended to be saved. Thus the others, the infamous "patriots" will bitterly regret their inhuman attitude when they will be suffering and dying on their way to eternal punishment: HELL FOR EVER.

If the fools of America don't want to wake up, that is their trouble, but the stupid fools of the U.K, France and so on better start THINKING. The key enemy of humanity right now is the United States and unless that country is totally destroyed, the world will be destroyed, so THINK damn it. The pigs' propaganda wants us to believe that they are murdering people by the million for "FREEDOM", that they are destroying one country after the other to "save" people and so on. I predict that all who believe that sort of B.S. will pay for it with a VERY painful death... by H.A.A.R.P. and other ways. They can then regret bitterly their indifferent behaviour... and proceed to spend an eternity in Hell: their future home.


But who is guilty of all this abomination? At first, the non-thinking guys will say "George W. Bush is guilty", a deadly dangerous oversimplification. Because the president of the United States may be evil but no more no less than any U.S. "patriot". As a matter of fact, a U.S. president is just a puppet, who does what he is told to do because if he refuses he will be executed as so many presidents of the U.S. have been in the past. There is, though, a slight difference ! In the past, U.S. presidents were executed in a humane manner. From now on, U.S. presidents who refuse to do what they are told to do, will be secretly tortured first... for instance in Paraguay!

So then, are the 545 members of the U.S. government guilty ? Not quite because they too have to do what they are told to do or else die. On the other hand, if they do what they are told to do, they are rewarded by a handsome pile of money. Now suppose for just one minute that YOU are a member of the government and you had to chose between either becoming super wealthy or be tortured to death, which of the two would you chose ? Be honest and don't tell me that you would prefer to be tortured to death because I won't believe you. And what would I do? Honestly, I don't know for sure but I think that I would commit suicide (and I am not even sure of that because I am no superman).

So then, don't you see who is guilty but 100% safe! It is the International Plutocracy which owns the United State, the U.K. and some other countries. I could name names even draw a complete list of their members but there is no need. Others have done it and have even published their data... which led to nothing at all because the majority of U.S. slaves (called "citizens" for whatever reason) don't give a damn. They will just suffer and die and that will be the end of it. But what about their children? They don't care any more about their children because they have been properly deseducated, brainwashed and dehumanized by the U.S. system of "freedom".

And that is the situation as it is now. However, the following was received from Jerry McGovern on July 16th 2008 (23:46):

545 PEOPLE - By Charlie Reese –
Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them.
Have you ever wondered why, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, WHY do we have deficits?
Have you ever wondered why, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, WHY do we have inflation and high taxes?
You and I don't propose a federal budget. The president does.
You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of Representatives does.
You and I don't write the tax code, Congress does.
You and I don't set fiscal policy, Congress does.
You and I don't control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bank does.
One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president, and nine Supreme Court justices – 545 human beings out of the 300 million – are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.
I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered, but private, central bank.
I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason. They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman, or a president to do one cotton-picking thing. I don't care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator's responsibility to determine how he votes.
Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this common con regardless of party.
What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall... No normal human being would have the gall of a Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating deficits. The president can only propose a budget. He cannot force the Congress to accept it.
The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes. Who is the speaker of the House? She is the leader of the majority party. She and fellow House members, not the president, can approve any budget they want. If the president vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if they agree to.
It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million can not replace 545 people who stand convicted -- by present facts -- of incompetence and irresponsibility. I can't think of a single domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people. When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist.
If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair.
If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red.
If the Army & Marines are in IRAQ, it's because they want them in IRAQ.
If they do not receive social security but are on an elite retirement plan not available to the people, it's because they want it that way.
There are no insoluble government problems.
Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give the power to regulate and from whom they can take this power. Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that there exists disembodied mystical forces like 'the economy,' 'inflation,' or 'politics' that prevent them from doing what they take an oath to do.
Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible.
They, and they alone, have the power.
They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses –
provided the voters have the gumption to manage their own employees.
We should vote all of them out of office and clean up their mess!
Charlie Reese is a former columnist of the Orlando Sentinel Newspaper.
What you do with this article now that you have read it is up to you, though you appear to have several choices.
1. You can send this to everyone in your address book, and hope 'they' do something about it.
2. You can agree to 'vote against' everyone that is currently in office, knowing that the process will take several years.
3. You can decide to 'run for office' yourself and agree to do the job properly.
4. Lastly, you can sit back and do nothing, or re-elect the current bunch.


Jerry McGovern
Desk 805-693-0532
Cell 805-252-2991
Work 805-642-6229
Club 805-693-8320
Efax 415-534-2579
J.H.'s OPINION: A lot of truthful and correct stuff there. At least there are a few good guys in the U.S. Unfortunately, what can they do to wake up the masses of non-thinking fools ! ! ! In fact, it is scary to think of what kind of people form the majority of U.S. "citizens": UNTHINKING, GREEDY AND SELFISH SLAVES (in other words: DOOMED).

It would really be so easy to fix all the problems of the world: JUST ARREST AND HANG THE 545 DREADFUL ANIMALS WHO PRESENTLY RULE THE U.S. AND THE WORLD FROM WASHINGTON D.C.


So, what is going to happen now ? There are two main possibilities, the first and most likely is that people will do nothing because those who are in a position to do something are paid to do nothing and, having been thoroughly deseducated and brainwashed in "FREEDOM" (whatever they mean by that crack), they certainly intend to keep on doing nothing. As to the others, they too have been deseducated and brainwashed to believe in the superiority of the wealthy few. Moreover, they have developed an instinctive slavish mentality, so that they wouldn't dare revolt and overthrow the system.

In other words, is there NO solution ? Correct, probably not. HOWEVER, none of us (myself included) can predict the future. Who knows? Perhaps some people will appear who will be able and willing to start the NEEDED WORLD REVOLUTION... and save the world from itself !

Anyway, I have received indications that people may very well be waking up. For now a few years, I have been receiving letters and phone calls from people who claim that the United States ought to be destroyed from coast to coast because they say "that country is filled with predatory animals who make believe" (as a joke I guess) "that they are humans". And it is true enough that the U.S. has been murdering millions of people worldwide and this since its creation. Moreover, in every case, they make believe that the victims were the aggressors. The case of Georgia is only one of the recent cases. There they forced Georgia to attack neighbouring countries. Then they claim that "Russia did it" And, take it from me, a lot worse is coming because it is all part of the U.S. Depopulation Agenda needed by the International Plutocracy. In other words: either the United States is destroyed or else the whole world will be. But now the question: WHAT do you think of that and WHAT do you intend to do to save the world from itself?


Thousands and thousands of guillotines are being imported in the United States. You see, the United States has no money to feed its purposely made poor, jobless people... BUT they have lots of money to import guillotines... from France, the new land of shame and self destruction ! The idea is once more, DEPOPULATION. Because yes, they are getting rid of lots of people through poisoning, infecting with new diseases, starving and so on, BUT they are fully aware that they will not be able to kill EVERYBODY that way. O.K., so the next trick is that those who are able to survive will be labelled TERRORISTS who will be arrested and have their head cut off... first by the hundred thousand... and later by the million as needed. At last a plutocratic solution to the problem of depopulation.

One can guess fairly correctly that having built hundreds of new prisons in the United States and equipped them with thousands of guillotines, this will finalise the case of the United States but this is only the beginning because once they have finished the cleansing of the United States, the International Plutocracy plans to do the same in the U.K., France, Holland, Germany and so on. Come to think of it, you might call it the reward for the indifference and passiveness of the "patriots", fools who are ready to suffer and die for the International Plutocracy.


This, dated July 18th, 2008 (16:22), is from T Lee Buyea Fla News Service . It will give you an idea of the frightfulness of this H.A.A.R.P., as well as how easily, we are all going to be murdered. It is going to be even worse in America than in Iraq. Get it?
Will Thomas on HAARPJuly 13th, 2008

This is a five minute transcript taken from the ninety minute interview with Will Thomas on 8th July.
Will Thomas: Beyond the spraying of the chemicals found in chemtrails, we have also this HAARP phenomenon. And again, speaking solely of HAARP, let alone putting the two together (and they are used together all the time), HAARP is definitely changing the jetstream. We are finding weather people almost daily remarking how the jet stream is out of balance, off kilter and way out of position -
Jeff Rense: "Where is it today?" Jeeze. You look at the map and you can see, the thing is just bizarre, what's going on?
Will Thomas: It is bizarre, and they've linked it directly to that horrific flooding we've seen recently. They've linked it to all kinds of weather changes, but the one thing they cannot do is explain why it is so far up from normal. The people I talk to, including scientists, point to HAARP as a primary factor in moving the jet stream. And you know, you point to the Air Force's goal of controlling the weather... yeah, they're a long way down the road to messing with the weather but I would respectfully suggest that they are a very long way from controlling (laughs) such a large and unpredictable system. In fact, they're tampering with it and making things much worse.
Jeff Rense: What do you see down the road? Are they going to stop this absurd playing with Mother Nature, or will they just keep trying to now fix what they've at least partially broken?
Will Thomas: According to my source called Hank - this is a gentleman who served in the U.S. military in the Gulf; very up on physics, science, electromagnetics; a man I've been working with and breaking major stories for 15 years; a man who often has a pair of 'intelligence agents' at his door (which he had just a few days ago, complimenting us on a story I was just about to break) and he's going on television in Italy later in the week concerning some atomic secrets that should be outed - Hank has been telling me for years, Jeff, about a standing wave produced off the south coast of Africa with HAARP.
Jeff Rense: Uh-huh?
Will Thomas: And the answer to your question is that this standing wave off the coast of Africa is sending waves of energy right around the planet, and at this point is beyond the ability, he says, of the American military and government to turn the thing off or down, because of the oscillations that could be unleashed. He further states that the Chinese have a couple of smaller transmitters outside Beijing and they've been trying to fend this thing off, because according to Hank and others it's been responsible for their recent and previous earthquakes. Unfortunately, he says, their transmitters are of lower power and they're super-heterodyning while inadvertently piggybacking off the power coming out of the South Africa coast there and drawing it to them, making matters worse. So if this information is accurate - and I've never known Hank to be wrong, he's very careful - if this is accurate, then we have a geomagnetic war being waged as we speak tonight. He says, "In order to turn theirs off [that's the Chinese] we'd have to turn ours down so it's no longer holding theirs in place." I'm quoting a recent interview here. "We turn ours down and all Hell could break loose in many places all over the world."
Jeff Rense: Ah ha.
Will Thomas: "So we seem to be locked in to various HAARP experiments. "
Jeff Rense: That's pretty weird, that whole scene you've just laid out. Now, for our listeners you might explain what a standing wave is, Will, so that they can understand it. You're not talking about a wave of water in the south Atlantic, but it's a wave of -
Will Thomas: No -
Jeff Rense: - electromagnetic energy.
Will Thomas: That's right. A wave of energy that's anchored on the sea floor. They used a similar standing wave off the coast of Louisiana to tip the oncoming Katrina into a very different trajectory. Hank referred to it as a 'bank shot' deflecting it away from Texas Jeff Rense: (laughs) Right.
Will Thomas: - and into what he referred to as a "sacrificial" landing on the coast of -
Jeff Rense: That was about a 90-degree turn, yeah.
Will Thomas: Yeah, we've never seen that before. And he said that, while chemtrails per se were not involved, P5As (the big galaxy jet transports) were flying into Katrina and dropping polymers into its center, and as these spun up in the storm they elongated, he said, like spaghetti, wrapped circularly around this storm, and then they could hit THAT with HAARP. HAARP needs something to hit. That's interesting to corroborate, because I spoke with Dr. Bernard Eastlund some years back, asking him what the heck he was doing inventing something like HAARP, and he said it was primarily aimed at weather control A TERRIFYING LOOK AT THE CONTROL OF WEATHER WARFARE -- A LOOK AT HAARP I learned a lot a little too late - Do not learn as I did, take care & beware - FTG The sun shineth upon the dunghill, & isnt corrupted. We fear things in proportion to our ignorance of them. Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis.
Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:04 pm.
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H.A.A.R.P. is going to be used by the United States both against its own population and against the entire world in order to fulfill its Depopulation Agenda, ordered by the International Plutocracy. That this is going to happen is shown both by the history of the United States and by world history as well. And the reason for this to happen is that although there are less than 1% human genocidal animals... the upper crust of the International plutocracy, nevertheless the threat comes from the rest, the 99% who are indifferent and passive to what is going on. They refuse to revolt and for this sin, they will all perish under terrifying circumstances. Then, they will suddenly understand that THERE IS JUSTICE IN THIS WORLD . . . and they will go burn in Hell for an eternity.

So, the current genocidal operations of the United States against Islamic areas of the world are in fact nothing new and guilty are the victims because they refuse to fight back and defend themselves. Let them know that the punishment for indifference and passiveness is death... not ordinary death but death by beeing cooked alive by the new H.A.A.R.P. weapon. See below from Dick Eastman a text from Carol A. Valentine, dated July 7th 2008 (21:58), from Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
War is wrong -- from the start.
When you are retreating badly outnumbered and the enemy is about to liberate your prisoners, making them fresh troops to throw in the battle against your forces -- the prisoners are no longer prisoners. When prisoners of war attempt to break out and become raiders for the enemy their status as prisoners ends. But these were still custody. I suppose a commander who knew international law would place explosives under the prison and then at the moment of liberation blow it up, liberators and newly liberated prisoners and all. But all war is wrong.

----- Original Message -----
From: Carol A. Valentine
To: Dick Eastman
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2008 2:56 PM
Subject: US documented but did not stop 100,000 political murders

Seattle Post-Intelligencer
http://seattlepi. nwsource. com/national/ 369825_korea07. html

U.S. documented but didn't stop S. Korean killings
More than 100,000 leftists believed slain

Last updated July 6, 2008 10:02 p.m. PT


SEOUL, South Korea -- The American colonel, troubled by what he was hearing, tried to stall at first. But the declassified record shows he finally told his South Korean counterpart it "would be permitted" to machine gun 3,500 political prisoners, to keep them from joining approaching enemy forces.
In the early days of the Korean War, other American officers observed, photographed and confidentially reported on such wholesale executions by their South Korean ally, a secretive slaughter believed to have killed 100,000 or more leftists and supposed sympathizers, usually without charge or trial, in a few weeks in mid-1950.
Extensive archival research by The Associated Press has found no indication Far East commander Gen. Douglas MacArthur took action to stem the summary mass killing, knowledge of which reached top levels of the Pentagon and State Department in Washington, where it was classified "secret" and filed away.
Now, a half-century later, the South Korean government's Truth and Reconciliation Commission is investigating the political bloodbath largely hidden from history.
In the now-declassified record at the U.S. National Archives and other repositories, the Korean investigators will find an ambivalent U.S. attitude in 1950 -- at times hands-off, at times disapproving.
"The most important thing is that they did not stop the executions," historian Jung Byung-joon, a member of the two-year-old commission, said of the Americans. "They were at the crime scene and took pictures and wrote reports."
They took pictures in July 1950 at the slaughter of dozens of men at one huge killing field outside the city of Daejeon. Between 3,000 and 7,000 South Koreans are believed to have been shot there and dumped into mass graves, said commission leader Kim Dong-choon.
Frank Winslow, 81, who was a military adviser at Daejeon, said the Koreans were responsible for their own actions. "The Koreans were sovereign. To me, there was never any question that the Koreans were in charge," the retired Army lieutenant colonel said in a telephone interview from his home in Bellingham.
The brutal, hurried elimination of tens of thousands of their countrymen, subject of a May 19 AP report, was the climax to a years-long campaign by South Korea's right-wing leaders.
In 1947, two years after Washington and Moscow divided Korea into southern and northern halves, a U.S. military government declared the Korean Labor Party, the southern communists, to be illegal. President Syngman Rhee's southern regime, gaining sovereignty in 1948, suppressed all leftist political activity, put down a guerrilla uprising and held up to 30,000 political prisoners by the time communist North Korea invaded on June 25, 1950.
On June 29, 1950, as the southern army and its U.S. advisers retreated southward, reports from Seoul said the conquering northerners had emptied Seoul's prisons.
In a confidential narrative he later wrote for Army historians, Lt. Col. Rollins Emmerich, a senior U.S. adviser, described what then happened in the southern port city of Busan.
Emmerich was told that a South Korean regimental commander, Col. Kim Chong-won, determined to keep Busan's political prisoners from joining the enemy, planned "to execute some 3500 suspected peace time communists, locked up in the local prison," according to the declassified 78-page narrative, first uncovered by the newspaper Busan Ilbo at the U.S. National Archives.
Emmerich wrote that he summoned Kim Chong-won and told him that "atrocities could not be condoned." But the American then indicated conditional acceptance of the plan.
"Colonel Kim promised not to execute the prisoners until the situation became more critical," wrote Emmerich, who died in 1986. "Colonel Kim was told that if the enemy did arrive to the outskirts of (Busan) he would be permitted to open the gates of the prison and shoot the prisoners with machine guns."
This passage, omitted from the published Army history, is the first documentation unearthed showing advance sanction by the U.S. military for such killings.
The bloody anticommunist purge is believed by the fall of 1950 to have filled some 150 mass graves. Commissioner Kim said the commission's estimate of 100,000 dead is "very conservative. "
© 1998-2008 Seattle Post-Intelligencer

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
J.H.'s REMARKS: After reading the above... and if you have read most of my past articles, you will understand that for me, 80 years old, it all has a special significance because I lived through it all, yet was able to remain alive in spite of the U.S.' predatory animal behaviour, and I now see that this world is a totally decadent world which fully deserves what is going to happen. And then, don't forget to look in a mirror to see the face of the guilty person.
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The following has become the opinion of millions of people, the world over:

Amen to that !
+ + + + +

Graham Jukes correctly wrote the following on August 21st 2008 (04:17) regarding the U.S.-Georgian invasion of South Ossetia:
This is a tale of US expansion not Russian aggression. War in the Caucasus is as much the product of an American imperial drive as local conflicts. It's likely to be a taste of things to come . . .
Just another day in America's push for World domination to take us all to Armageddon! GJ (UK)
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I have always thought it to be a shame that the 300 million population of the U.S. should remain passive and indifferent instead of placing their entire terrorist government under arrest for large-scale TERRORISM. And I am not alone in thinking this. Anyway, here is from Aeisha Muhammad , dated August 21st, 2008 (21:43) and under the title of [A-C] A spokesman on behalf of the Iraqi Armed Revolution.
Bismillah Hir-Rahman Nir-Rahim
The news which follows is most welcomed. Many kisses go out to the factions and armies of the National Resistance in Iraq for their dedication, bravery and excellent work.
The world is again advised that the Iraqi resistance is very much on the move, growing and winning decisive victories on the ground daily. As much as the western media may hide, spin and deny the truth, it is a foregone conclusion that Iraq will soon be cleansed of the filth that ILLEGALLY invaded, occupied, and is committing daily genocide on the soil of Iraq, by the heroic and noble Iraqi resistance.


from the servant of ALLAH
Aeisha Muhammad

A spokesman on behalf of the Iraqi Armed Revolution
On intensive meetings of a group of factions and armies of the National Resistance

Sumar headquarters of military operations in the southern sector of the heroic Iraqi resistance witnessed, for two successive days, intensive meetings for a group of factions and armies of the national resistance in preparation for what the Centre announced that the sons of the south, and loyal sons of the Euphrates, committed themselves to participating in the ranks of the Iraqi armed revolution against the occupation and its puppet government, and for the purpose of preparing for such participation and coordination of field positions and of control provisions. They adopted the final plans for the jihadist nature of the work of the next six months, participated in these meetings a large number of heads of Clans in Iraq who swore that they do not close an eye, not until the elimination of the occupation, its agents and clearing the land of Iraq from their filth.

Long live the Iraqi Revolutionary
Armed media center for the Iraqi armed revolution 16/8/2008
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P.S. 1:
"Capitalism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. Capitalism leads to the enslavement of the sheep citizens by the greedy, selfish plutocratic class" JACQUES HARDY.

P.S. 2:
WARNING: Whatever I say is considered anti-plutocratic and unacceptable by the wealthy few (those who rule the world), therefore if you have read this (gasp!), you must hurry up and go to confession or else they will make minced meat or perhaps apple sauce with you. Don't forget your position of plutocratic slave, also called "patriot"... totally FREE to suffer and die so the wealthy few can get wealthier and more powerful.

Faithfully yours,
Jacques Hardy, Canada
Proud to have been banned by all the truth-hating media, starting from 1978.
These weekly reports covering socio-political subjects are the results
of the joint efforts of an Australian-Canadian-Russian-US team,
with help from other countries.
N. B. : My stuff is never copyrighted, so you can use it as you wish FOR the benefit of MANKIND / HUMANITY and AGAINST narrow, selfish, nationalistic interests.
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